'I don't know how any Jew could support Rudy Giuliani for President...' - Estelle

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hot potato 224
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New! on JPost.com: The Hot Potato This is your chance to voice your opinion. We've chosen a controversial / interesting entry that appeared on our site (talkback, blog, etc…) and we want to know what you have to say about it. TODAY'S HOT POTATO: Taken from article: US Affairs: Nu? Are they going to vote for him? Talkback #: 5 Talkbacker: Estelle Diamond, USA Text: My Dad, who arrived in the USA in 1919 and made his first dollar the week after he arrived, became a Republican in the early 1930s. I don't know why the same as I don't know how any Jew could support Rudy Giuliani for President… No, I do know, he supports Israel... For a fact, all Presidential candidates support Israel but is that a reason to continue the mess we find our country in after 8 years of George Bush... No they will not vote for Giuliani they are too smart to deal with him. What do you think? The ball is in your court now. Click here to respond Previous Hot Potatos