Whom to call for help

A list of numbers.

  • Municipal hot lines - #106. Each municipality is running its own help line that can advise citizens where to go locally for emergency assistance and protection.
  • Emotional first aid - Eran: #1201. Eran's hot line can also connect residents of the besieged area to the local Resilience Center, which provides psychological and psychiatric counseling. Soldiers call *2201.
  • Israel Trauma Coalition - (02) 672-2618/9.
  • Emergency hot line for new immigrants - 1-800-200-183 Run by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), the hot line provides support and information to immigrants from the southern region. JAFI is also looking for families from the North and Center of the country to host people from the South.
  • Natal - emotional first aid for terror victims - 1-800-363-363
  • Hot line for the elderly - 050-202-0278 or 050-569-8430. Run by the Pensioners Affairs Ministry
  • Help line for Holocaust survivors - (03) 525-7888. The help line is also searching for families that can host survivors from the South and provide other voluntary assistance.
  • Ezer Mizion - help for people with disabilities. Assistance for people with disabilities - (052) 580-8918. Hosting for children with special needs (in partnership with the Welfare and Social Services Ministry) - (052) 428-8179, (052) 396-0142
  • Alut, the Israeli Society for Autistic Children - (03) 670-9094
  • Hot line for the hearing-impaired. Direct - (03) 730-3355. Text messages or conference calls in sign language - (052) 725-1507. E-mail - deaf-israel@bezek.net.il.
  • Emergency hot line for the disabled - (03) 941-5540
  • Information on government-run day care centers 20 km. from the border - 1-800-200-702
  • Amuna - hot line for treating families in distress. Sderot - (08) 689-9784. Netivot - (08) 993-4811
  • National Insurance Institute Southern hot line - (08) 674-1111. National information service - *6050
  • Social welfare services. Social services will be on call 24 hours a day at each municipality.