Visitors especially interested in MDA’s strategies for coping with emergencies using current technologies.
By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICHEthiopian MDA 370(photo credit: Ethiopian Foreign Ministry)
The head of the situation room at Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry and his deputy visited Magen David Adom on Tuesday to learn from Israel’s first aid, ambulance and blood supply organization.The state visit by Getachew Teshoma and his assistant, Yeganaw Mengist Belay, was announced on Thursday by MDA. They were accompanied by new Ethiopian Ambassador Beylanesh Zevadia.Senior MDA officials, including director-general Eli Bin, described organizational lifesaving activities and showed them the advanced computerized control and monitoring systems that had just been installed. The Ethiopian visitors also took a close look at the latest mobile intensive care units, jeeps, motorcycles and “Make-A-Wish” ambulances (in which the severely ill are taken to the places they request at no cost).The two visitors were especially interested in MDA’s strategies for coping with emergencies and catastrophes using current technologies and how it makes use of volunteers – saying Ethiopia is undergoing a process of modernization and needs to learn from the organization’s experience.Bin said he was glad the state visit was made at MDA headquarters in Tel Aviv and promised to remain in contact with the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry and provide assistance as needed.