RELATED:Clinton: Libya no-fly zone should not be US-ledEgypt appoints three new ministers to key postsPremium: Cairo’s jolt towards democracy"We have an enormous stake in ensuring that Egypt and Tunisia provide models for the kind of democracy that we want to see." Clinton's visit will allow her to personally assess the situation in Egypt, where the Obama administration gave strong support to protesters who ultimately forced the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, long a staunch US ally, in February.She will also talk to transitional government officials in Tunisia, which launched the wave of political turmoil sweeping the Arab world with mass protests that toppled President Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali in January.Egypt and Tunisia both border Libya, where leader Muammar Gaddafi's increasingly bloody battle against rebels seeking to end his 41-year rule has spurred rising calls for international action.Clinton told the House of Representatives appropriations committee that the Obama administration was keeping all options on the table for possible stronger measures on Libya, and was seeking to build bridges to Libyan opposition figures.
'BOMBS AND BULLETS' "We are standing with the Libyan people as they brave bombs and bullets to demand that Gaddafi must go now," Clinton said.