How a rooster's crow silenced France

A court case is rising through the French judicial system, and it is all because of a rooster named Maurice.

The French island of Oléron. (photo credit: Courtesy)
The French island of Oléron.
(photo credit: Courtesy)
It was a single red-combed, russet-feathered rooster that unseated the entirety of France throughout the past week, France 24 reports.
The story begins in 2017 on the French island Oléron. A woman named Corinne Fesseau built a chicken coup and brought the now-famous rooster named Maurice.
The neighboring house is owned by Jean-Louis Biron and Joelle Andrieux, who use it as a holiday home. The rooster's neighbors complained that Maurice's early-morning crows were disturbing their sleep. Fesseau attempted to quiet the cock by covering the coop.
The complaint jumped from court to court in a long and heated legal battle to have Maurice the rooster removed. This is when the "Save Maurice" petition began.
At the July 4 court hearing, fellow rooster owners came to show support for Maurice and his owner. 140,000 people signed the petition and several people even printed t-shirts with Maurice on them saying, "Let me sing."
Mayor of Gajac, a southwest French village, Bruno Dionis du Séjour wrote a letter in support of Maurice's cause, saying that he wants to "protect all the roosters in France."
The story is rooted in the French pride as an originally farming nation, according to France 24. The rural folk of the French countryside are time and time again frustrated with the urban folk who buy country homes in their neighborhoods and instill their principles on the rural lifestyle, significantly limiting it.
The court case is still ongoing, creating an uproar, not only in France, but on an international platform.
A similar lawsuit was filed this past week in the Landes region, known for duck breeding, against a local woman's ducks and geese, who apparently squawk too loudly.