Three out of four Americans support Israel in war against Hamas - poll

Most American voters blamed Hamas for the current war at 72%; 10% blamed Israel alone, 6% blamed both equally, and a final 12% didn't give an opinion.

 JERUSALEM SCHOOLCHILDREN hold Israeli and American flags during a rehearsal for former US President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel in 2013. (photo credit: BAZ RATNER/REUTERS)
JERUSALEM SCHOOLCHILDREN hold Israeli and American flags during a rehearsal for former US President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel in 2013.
(photo credit: BAZ RATNER/REUTERS)

A majority of American voters support Israel, polling from the immediate aftermath of the October 7 massacre shows.

Conducted by Quinnipiac University, Connecticut between October 12-16, the poll shows an overwhelming majority of Americans (76%) agreed that supporting Israel was in the American national interest, while only 17% disagreed.

Americans are largely united in their support of Israel with 84% of Republicans agreeing that supporting Israel was in the American national interest, 76% of Democrats agreeing, and 74% of Independents agreeing. With 12%, 17%, and 19% disagreeing respectively.

Overall voters approve of sending weapons and military equipment from the USA to Israel with 64% approving and 28% disapproving.

Unified support for Israel does not necessarily translate into unified support for sending weapons, although a majority of the major American political party voters do support sending weapons.

 Israeli and American flags. (credit: PICRYL)
Israeli and American flags. (credit: PICRYL)

Majority of Republicans and Democrats support Israel

Republicans are the most supportive of sending weapons to Israel at 79%, while Independents are at 61% and Democrats are the least supportive at 59%, although still a majority.

Independents were the largest group not approving of sending weapons at 32%, while Democrats were lower at 29% and Republicans the lowest at 19%.

Only American young adult voters (18 to 34) are against sending Israel weapons with 51% disapproving. Disapproval is reduced with age, with adult voters (35 to 49) disapproving at a rate of 35%, middle-aged voters (50 to 64) at 17%, and finally pensioners (65+) at 15%.

Those approving of sending weapons again fell in line with the age group with pensioners approving of the sending of weapons at 78%, 77% of middle-aged voters approving, 59% of adult voters approving, and 39% of young adult voters approving.

Just over half of Americans (52%) think the level of support for Israel is at the right level, an increase of 17% from a 2021 poll with the same question. With a further 20% believing Israel needs more support and 20% believing Israel needs less support

Americans aligned more with Israel than with Palestine, 61% said their sympathies lie more with the Israelis while only 13% said it lies more with the Palestinians, this is the highest ever recorded since the Quinnipiac University Poll first asked this question of registered voters in December 2001. The lowest ever was in May 2021, with only 41% sympathizing more with Israel and 30% sympathizing more with Palestine.

Most American voters blamed Hamas for the current war at 72%, 10% blamed Israel alone, 6% blamed both equally, and a final 12% didn't give an opinion.