‘This American Life’s Ira Glass to discuss stories with Etgar Keret

The event will take place on June 22, at the Tel Aviv Museum.

 IRA GLASS (photo credit: Sandrasonik.com)
(photo credit: Sandrasonik.com)

This American Life brainchild and host Ira Glass is headed to Israel for public discussion with celebrated Israeli author Etgar Keret.

Glass hosts the weekly NPR radio show, which is heard by 2.2 million people on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast, which won a Pulitzer for audio reporting in 2020.

 ETGAR KERET (credit: Lilelle Sand)
ETGAR KERET (credit: Lilelle Sand)

The title of their talk will be “The Art of the Story” which will cover how stories are found or created, what makes a story good and takes a look behind the scenes of the now-legendary program, which has set the gold standard for all the podcast generation that followed.

The event will take place on June 22, at the Tel Aviv Museum.