Witty lawyers, Archie’s return, and a dangerous dance
Screen savors
By HANNAH BROWNChristine Baranski plays the lead role of Diane Lockhart in The Good Fight(photo credit: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS/MANFRED WERNER (TSUI))
Season Two of The Good Fight, the Good Wife spin-off that revolves around Diane Lockhart, the gorgeous and witty lawyer played by Christine Baranski, is running on Tuesdays on YES Edge at 10:45 p.m. While The Good Fight doesn’t always flow as well as its predecessor, Baranski is always appealing. Maia (Rose Leslie) is a younger and blander heroine, undoubtedly added to draw in a different demographic, a lawyer whose father is a Bernie Madoff type. The series is more overtly political than The Good Wife was. Diane works for a mostly African-American law firm headed by Delroy Lindo, and there is a lot of comedy in their trying to make their way in the Trump era. The show also features Diane’s attempts to salvage her relationship with her ballistics expert, gun enthusiast husband (Gary Cole).The new season starts out with several high-powered Chicago lawyers getting killed, which leaves Diane wondering if she may be next on a list that she doesn’t know about.If you didn’t see or don’t remember Season One, you can watch it on YES Binge and on HOT VOD.The best-loved, most distinctive character of all on The Good Wife was Kalinda Sharma, the tough-as- nails, bisexual investigator from India. She was brought to life by the Emmy-winning British actress Archie Panjabi, who is now starring in Next of Kin, a gripping new series. Next of Kin is available on YES VOD and YES London, with a new episode released every Sunday.Panjabi plays Mona, a Pakistaniborn doctor living in London, who is happily married to an Englishman, raising a son and living with her strong-willed mother. Her brother Kareem (Navin Chowdhry) is also a doctor, and recently he has been working for a medical charity in Pakistan. The whole family is gearing up for his return, but he never makes it back; it turns out he has been kidnapped by Islamic extremists. At the same time, his college-age son has also disappeared and is suspected of being a radicalized Muslim who has something to do with Kareem’s disappearance.It’s a little disconcerting at first to see Panjabi playing a character who is so much more relaxed and nurturing than the tightly wound Kalinda, but her acting soon makes you forget The Good Wife.The first episode is a bit slow in parts, but once the mystery starts unfolding, the series becomes addictive.John Oliver, whose Last Week Tonight political comedy show has been particularly funny lately, especially a recent episode that examined something called NRA TV, which, it turns out, spends a lot of time selling guns, gun accessories and an energy drink made out of beets — don’t ask. You can watch Oliver’s show on HOT VOD and HBO on Mondays, on YES Oh Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. and on YES VOD, and also on Cellcom TV. In addition to John Oliver, Cellcom has a whole channel devoted to current HBO shows and an HBO library, which includes classics such as The Sopranos and The Wire.If you never made it to see the film Foxtrot and want to know what all the fuss was about, you can see it now on HOT VOD Movies starting on March 20 and YES VOD from March 21.Samuel Maoz’s second feature film was shortlisted for the Oscar this year, but what really put it in the headlines was when Minister of Culture Miri Regev criticized it as detrimental to the IDF, without having seen it.
To be honest, I’m not sure how well it will play on the small screen. Maoz is an intensely visual director, and the images in this story of a Tel Aviv family who lose their son who is serving in a remote army outpost are so meticulously composed that even after seeing it twice on the big screen, I feel as if I didn’t take in everything.Even though it won’t have as much impact on television, it’s still worth seeing.