Avoid danger during the festival of lights

With the festive holiday fast approaching, keep some safety guidelines in mind.

Hanukka (illustrative). (photo credit: Courtesy)
Hanukka (illustrative).
(photo credit: Courtesy)
Despite the festive character of Hanukka, the eightday holiday can pose dangers.
On Sunday, 10 days before the holiday begins on Tuesday night, an 87-year-old man choked on a fried Hanukka donut and was rushed to Beersheba’s Soroka University Medical Center, where he died.
Magen David Adom warns against the risks of Hanukka, which include home fires from careless handling of lit candles, skin burns from frying donuts in hot oil and choking on foil-wrapped chocolate coins.
MDA advises not to use a homemade hanukkia that is made from inflammable material or is not steady; use only a hanukkia meant for this purpose. Do not put the candelabrum on or near inflammable objects such as a tablecloth that can be pulled down by a child, curtains or papers. Place it on a noninflammable surface such as glass or a metal tray or one covered with aluminum foil.
Do not put it near an open window that could cause the candles to fall. Keep matches and lit candles out of the hands of young children.
Never leave a hanukkia untended without an adult’s supervision. Keep long hair – adults’ and children’s – away from the flames.
When deep-frying potato pancakes or doughnuts, keep the pan or pot on the back burner out of children’s reach, with the handles facing inward. It is recommended not to heat up doughnuts in the microwave, because jelly injected into them becomes very hot.
In the event of a significant burn, especially on the face, neck and hands, call MDA immediately at 101.
Remove the victim’s clothes and rinse him with lots of lukewarm running water.
Do not apply ointments or burst blisters, as this can lead to infections.
Keep small spinning tops, chocolate coins and other small objects out of the reach of children up to the age of five. Do not use lead tops, as they are toxic.