Israel donates 9 ventilators to the Czech Republic to help fight COVID-19

Ambassador Maron delivered the ventilators to Czech Deputy Health Minister Dr. Elena Steplova.

As of Sunday, 63 ventilators had been manufactured locally and delivered to the Health Ministry as part of DOPP's efforts (photo credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY)
As of Sunday, 63 ventilators had been manufactured locally and delivered to the Health Ministry as part of DOPP's efforts
(photo credit: DEFENSE MINISTRY)
A donation of nine ventilators sent from Israel to the Czech Republic arrived in Prague on Friday.
The ventilators were made in Israel and are intended to help the Czech Republic against the coronavirus.
Israeli Ambassador to the Czech Republic Daniel Maron delivered the ventilators to Czech Deputy Health Minister Dr. Elena Steplova as part of a decision made by Foreign Minster Gabi Ashkenazi.
"Israel does not forget its friends in a time of need. We can join together in learning how to fight the coronavirus," Maron said in a statement.
"Israel has shown solidarity emphasizing the special relations between the two countries," said Czech Health Minister Jan Blatný, who accepted the gift from Israel.
In October, the Czech Republic said it was taking steps towards moving its embassy to Jerusalem. While there is no timeline associated with this announcement, it was presented as one of the country's long-term goals.