Following the murder of 15-year-old Muhammad Ades in Jaljulya on Tuesday, city council head Darwish Rabi expressed his frustration at the high rate of violence in the Arab sector, during an interview on 103 FM radio.
Ades was gunned down near his home, and a 12-year-old boy was severely wounded in the shooting incident for which there was no apparent motive.
Rabi said he was greatly disappointed by the lack of police action, after the police had promised to clamp down on violence.
Public Security Minister Amir Ohana on Wednesday promised, while speaking on Army Radio, that lawlessness in Arab society “would be dealt a blow,” and that “a significant difference within the next six months” would be seen.
Rabi, however, claimed that, so far, police action has not yielded any results and described the situation as a “civil war.”
“The situation is terrible, people are angry,” he continued.
When asked what prompted the shooting, Rabi responded that “there is no reason. There are shootings almost two to three times a week. You just hear about who is killed, but you don’t know what goes on. Every tense situation between the youth ends in gunfire.”
The shooting took place 50 meters from the local police station, Rabi said. “The police have no values and no control. Weapons circulate freely – we’re talking about 400-500 weapons that are held illegally,” he said.