Father who stabbed his 3 children to be moved from mental hospital.
By BEN HARTMANNetanya Murder 311(photo credit: Channel 10)
The Netanya man suspected of stabbing his three children to death has been ruled mentally fit for incarceration, and will soon be moved from a mental hospital to a prison.The Ramle Magistrate’s Court issued the ruling on Wednesday morning, after a psychiatrist who had examined Itai Ben-Dror, 38, ruled that he was fit for incarceration. The court has still not ruled whether Ben-Dror is fit to stand trial.At Ben-Dror’s remand extension hearing on Sunday, his attorney, Ran Alon, argued that his client was insane at the time of the murders, mentioning Ben-Dror’s discharge a month and a half ago from a psychiatric hospital after a stay of several months, his six recent suicide attempts, and Ben-Dror’s claim that he had heard voices telling him to kill his children and advising him how to carry out the murders.In addition, Alon said the very nature of the crime itself indicated that the suspect is probably not sane.“I think that the action itself cries out to the heavens that this man is in need of a psychiatric examination,” Alon said on Sunday.Prisons Service officials have said that they plan to keep Ben-Dror under 24-hour surveillance and in solitary confinement.Ben-Dror is accused of stabbing his three children – Omer, 10, Roni, 8 and Or, 5 – to death in his Netanya home on Saturday.