Ahronovich appointed tourism minister

Finance C'tee votes chairman Litzman out, Israel Beiteinu's Meseznecov in.

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MK Yitzhak Ahronovich (Israel Beiteinu) became Israel's new tourism minister on Wednesday after the Knesset plenum approved the appointment by a majority of 51 to 19. The Knesset also approved the appointment of former tourism minister Isaac Herzog to the post of welfare minister, as well as that of Arab MK Ghaleb Majadle to the science, culture and sport portfolio. Earlier Wednesday, after a long, drawn-out affair, the Knesset Finance Committee finally removed committee chairman Ya'acov Litzman morning (UTJ) in a vote of 10 to nine. In the recent cabinet reshuffle, Israel Beiteinu received the committee chairmanship, and Israel Beiteinu head Avigdor Lieberman decided to give the post to newcomer MK Stas Meseznikov. Litzman, however, refused to vacate the post and said he would go only if he were voted out. However, Litzman failed to convene the finance committee to bring his removal to a vote, claiming that two petitions had been submitted to the High Court of Justice against his dismissal. The cabinet finally ruled Wednesday that the vote would take place before the Knesset's Pessah break.