Check out the questions that were posed to our panelists!
By THE ISRAEL FACTOR1. Generally speaking, please rate the following people and institutions from 1 (bad for Israel) to 10 (good for Israel):Barack ObamaHillary ClintonCongressional RepublicansCongressional Democrats2. Please rank the following statements from a scale of 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree):1.There’s a crisis in US-Israel relations2. Obama well-handled Palestinian UN statehood bid3. Ret. Sec. of Defense Gates was right to say that Netanyahu is “ungrateful”4. Obama can’t pressure Israel until the Nov. 2012 election5. For Israel it will be better if Obama loses his 2012 reelection bid6. The US is well-handling of the relations with “new” Egypt7. Obama is going to lose the Jewish vote3. Looking ahead for 2012 – please rate the following possible Presidential candidates on scale of 1 (bad for Israel) to 10 (good for Israel):Barak ObamaMitt RomneyNewt GingrichRon PaulRick SantorumRudy Giuliani Rick PerryJon HuntsmanMichele BachmanHerman CainSarah Palin