Ayalon: Israeli PM can't continue to serve with "constant cloud of scandal hovering over his head."
By GIL STERN STERN HOFFMANolmert fed up 298.88(photo credit: AP)
MKs from across the political spectrum called upon Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to resign or at least suspend himself due to the findings of a state comptroller report recommending a criminal investigation against the prime minister.
The head of the Knesset State Control Committee,
National Religious Party chairman Zevulun Orlev, said he would use his power under the law to summon the prime minister to his committee to react to the report.
"The report proves that there is grave corruption that requires the prime minister to
suspend himself from his post and take a vacation from work in order to deal with the
criminal allegations in this report and others," Orlev said.
Labor leadership candidate Ami Ayalon called upon Attorney General Menahem Mazuz to investigate the report's findings immediately.
"It cannot be that a prime minister in Israel will continue to serve when there is a constant cloud of scandal hovering over his head," Ayalon said.
Meretz leader Yossi Beilin said that Olmert must quit and "give up his seat to a prime minister who can deal with the diplomatic and socioeconomic challenges that Israel is facing today and allow himself to focus on dealing with the many charges against him."
National Union MK Aryeh Eldad said that every day Olmert remained prime minister stained Israel with moral turpitude.