'PM must explain motives in Friedman appointment'

Retired Supreme Court Justice Mishael Cheshin said Wednesday that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert must explain his motives in appointing Prof. Daniel Friedman to the position of justice minister, and demanded that he prove that the appointment was made with pure intentions. Cheshin pointed out that Friedman was an outstanding legal expert and an honest man, but that there were other outstanding candidates, and that out of all of them, Olmert had chosen the biggest antagonist in the legal system, a man who could only cause a stir in the system. In an interview with Israel Radio, Cheshin noted that Friedman's statements have been replete with censure, hatred and contempt for the Supreme Court. Anyone who claims that Friedman's appointment will boost trust in the legal system is hoping in vain, Cheshin said. The former Supreme Court judge issued an emotional appeal to Friedman as a long-time personal friend, calling on him to retract his derogatory remarks on the Supreme Court and its president, Dorit Beinisch. He vowed to defend the Supreme Court, which he said was dear to him, with all his strength, saying, "If someone raises a hand against my house, I will cut off his hand."