Decision an attempt to prevent hoarding of grain in light of recent global increases in food prices.
Supersal Supermarkets has instituted a policy of restricted rice purchases in order to prevent potential merchants from hoarding the grain prior to further price increases.
As a result of the global run-up of agricultural commodity prices that has developed in markets worldwide recently, Supersal has decided to limit the purchase of rice to customers at its branches.
Initially, Supersal claimed that there was no limitation on the sale of rice and if there were one, it would be the result of the Pessah holiday having ended, when a moderate increase in demand was expected in all basic food products including tuna, flour, coffee, oil and sugar.
However, on Sunday a Supersal spokesman announced a change in policy, saying "in light of the increase of prices abroad and in Israel, Supersal will hereby limit merchants' ability" to purchase the grain in bulk. The purchase limit will now be 3 bags per type of grain product, according to the spokesman.