Youth are gathering to discuss how to build partnerships, plan joint initiatives, and exchange experiences about minority identity.
Representatives of Jewish and Roma, or Gypsy, youth groups from eight countries are meeting in Hungary.The week long encounter, called "Volunticipate," begins Monday.RELATED:Israeli flag burned at Hungary retirement protestA gypsy celebrationThe youth are gathering to discuss how to build partnerships, plan joint initiatives, and exchange experiences about minority identity and grass-roots civil activism.Volunticipate takes place before and during the annual Bankito alternative Jewish culture festival on a lake north of Budapest. Bankito features youth culture and music, but also runs events promoting civic activism. Organizers said 30 young volunteers and NGO professionals will take part in the meeting.For the past month, the organizers of Bankito have mounted a provocative publicity campaign to promote Volunticipate, encourage positive minority identity, and promote civic activism and dialogue among minority groups. They plastered walls in parts of Budapest with posters with slogans reading "Being Jewish is sexy!," "Being Roma is sexy!," "Being Hungarian is sexy!" and "Volunteering is sexy!"