Sharett Center in Holon will host Royal Cat Club show featuring wide variety of felines on display of all sizes, colors and hirsuteness.
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFRoyal Cat Club(photo credit: Courtesy)
If furry feline creatures are your thing, you should get yourself down to the Royal Cat Club show at the Sharett Center in Holon on Saturday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.There will be a wide variety of cats on display of all sizes, colors and hirsuteness, with breeds that originate from all over the globe.There is, for example, the highly distinctive-looking Ukrainian Levkoy, which has inward folding ears and little to no hair.These cats are of medium size with a longish body and have a muscular and slender appearance.Meanwhile, the Ragdoll variety, which hails from the US, is a much furrier creature with blue eyes and a distinct colorpoint coat. It is a large and muscular cat with a soft, silky coat.For tickets and more information: (04) 951-4279, (04) 955-3428 and 054-919-0260