City warns of floods despite drain upgrade

Emergency service officials met last week to discuss plans to tackle the expected floods and road blockages that occur every year once the rainy season begins.

Municipal officials are warning that despite Haifa's having significantly upgraded its drainage system this year, the city can expect a repeat of the annual floods as soon as rain starts falling, reports Yediot Haifa. Emergency service officials met last week to discuss plans to tackle the expected floods and road blockages that occur every year once the rainy season begins. According to the report, the city has spent tens of millions of shekels in recent years upgrading its drainage system, and over the past year has made a significant effort to build or improve drains in numerous flood-prone roads and intersections, with the aim of enabling rainwater to subside quickly. But officials have warned that because of the city's hilly topography, floods are still likely to occur in certain areas for short periods. Consequently, the city decided to hold a meeting of all responsible authorities to plan for the expected floods, bringing together representatives from the ambulance service, police, firefighters and the Kishon River Authority. The group set out plans for taking emergency action on flooded or blocked roads, removing obstacles such as fallen trees, electricity poles or traffic lights, evacuating residents from flooded homes, and tackling sewage that might emerge if sewerage lines overflow.