Hod Hasharon's new sports center was officially opened this week after hundreds of residents voted to name it "Sportek Hasharon."
Hod Hasharon's new sports center was officially opened this week after hundreds of residents voted to name it "Sportek Hasharon," reports www.local.co.il. The new center, located near the Hadarim High School, contains a soccer field, two basketball courts, two beach volleyball courts, a roller-skating rink and fitness equipment, as well as seating, paths and garden areas.
According to the report, the municipality held a vote through its Web site to decide the name of the new center. Some 949 residents voted, with 656 - 69 percent - choosing the name "Sportek Hasharon."
Most of the remainder voted for "Sportek Arba'at Hamoshavim," while a small number voted for "Sportek Hashishim."