The latest hit among kids - call-girls' calling cards

Even kindergarteners have been found swapping business cards that feature pictures of scantily clad women in suggestive poses.

Once upon a time, children in Tel Aviv used to swap cards bearing pictures of soccer players or action heroes - but now parents have been alarmed to discover that their youngsters are swapping cards containing the pictures - and telephone numbers - of call-girls, reports Youngsters even in kindergarten have been found recently swapping business cards that feature pictures of scantily clad women in suggestive poses, alongside their telephone numbers. According to the report, anyone driving around central Tel Aviv lately cannot help but notice the many business cards for prostitutes placed under cover of night under car windshield wipers and scattered around the streets. And now the cards have found their way into the hands of young children, who have been swapping them in games in which they aim to get hold of the "rare" ones. One mother said she had gone to her son's kindergarten to pick him up one day, and had been stunned to see a young girl there with one of the cards. "She (the girl) thought the woman was a model and said she dreamed of being like her," the mother said. The report said that a group of parents had complained to police and to municipal officials about the phenomenon, but had received little satisfaction. A municipal spokesman said the problem was a matter for the police, while a police spokesman said the matter was "on the police schedule and will be taken care of according to priorities."