Profession: Founder and executive director of NAVAH, an organization that assists terror victims in Israel
Place of birth: Jerusalem
Current residence: Telz Stone■ What gets you out of bed in the morning? Parenthood. I’m a mother of five children, so I have to get out of bed. I also get up knowing that through my organization, NAVAH, which works with victims of terrorism in Israel, I have the opportunity to spread love and truly help those individuals in need. ■ What keeps you up at night? I am up worried about our security situation. There are so many enemies surrounding Israel, I don’t even know where to start!■ What’s the most difficult professional moment you’ve faced so far? I was trying to run my successful gift basket business (Fly-acake) and my organization, and be a good mother at the same time. It just got to be too much, so I decided to focus on running NAVAH, and of course on motherhood. It was a difficult choice giving up a business, but I am now so connected to those in need and I feel good about it. I know I made the right choice.■ How do you celebrate your achievements? By buying small gifts for my friends and spending time with my family.
■ If you were prime minister, what’s the first thing you would do? I would reestablish the Jewish communities of Gush Katif. The pullout from Gaza was the worst decision ever. I would also work to bring Gilad Schalit home.■ Which Israeli should have a movie made about him? Rabbi Aryeh Levin. He was the rabbi of the Israel Prisons Service for more than 25 years. He had such a powerful impact, giving support and showing genuine love for those Israelis who were incarcerated.■ What would you change about Israelis if you could? Sometimes I wish that we were less judgmental as a people. In addition, we need to be less confrontational (especially on the roads). We also need to express more sincerity.■ iPad, BlackBerry or pen and paper? Definitely pen and paper.■ If you had to write an advertisement to entice tourists to come to Israel, what would it say? Israel is the land of miracles. The fact that we have survived for over 60 years and counting is miraculous. I would say, “Come see the miracle that is the modern-day State of Israel.” I think it speaks for itself.■ What is the most serious problem facing the country? Our educational system is in shambles.■ How can it be solved? We need to work on instilling true Jewish values, traditions and our heritage to the next generation. We’re always looking to the future, but sometimes the focus needs to be on the past. We must learn from our past in order to improve our future. There also needs to be a greater focus in the schools on mutual respect between people.■ In 20 years, the country will be: I hate to sound so pessimistic, but I fear that in 20 years we will have lost our unique Jewish identity (God forbid). But I see that we try so hard to integrate into European culture. Just look at what’s on television here! We need to maintain our special and unique status as a proud Jewish nation within the world community.