Time to reverse UN Palestine Resolution

As per “Zionism = racism” resolution, the latest “observer status” resolution must be rescinded.

Abbas at Arab League meeting 370 (photo credit: REUTERS/Mohamad Dabbouss)
Abbas at Arab League meeting 370
(photo credit: REUTERS/Mohamad Dabbouss)
The Jew-hating genie has been spectacularly unleashed onto the world stage once again. Following the decision by 138 of the 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly to accord non-member observer state status to the non-existent state of Palestine, the vote also ominously endorsed another paragraph contained in the Resolution, that which reaffirms "the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to independence in their State of Palestine on the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967."
Such majority consensus supporting the view that all of this territory -- not just part of it  - should comprise the State of Palestine - is destined to cause untold suffering among Jews, Arabs and other states caught up in the ensuing turmoil, unless it is quickly reversed.
There are several reasons to justify the gloomy prediction of conflict that is set to follow the passing of this insidious resolution.
First, the 138 member states effectively signed an eviction notice for 600,000 Jews who have been legally living in these areas for up to 40 years. This is pursuant to the rights conferred on the Jewish People under Article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine, originally drafted in former US president Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations. The mandate states that in the administration of Palestine, respective to the rights and positions of other sections of the population, Jewish immigration should be facilitated and encouraged. After the demise of the League of Nations, Article 80 of the United Nations Charter upheld the mandate.
Prior to 1948, Jews had been living in these same areas for many decades and in some cases centuries, until six invading Arab armies in the Independence War drove them out.
After the Six Day War in 1967, which ended 19 years of uninterrupted occupation by Jordan and Egypt, Jews returned to settle the land.
In 2005, 8,000 Jews moved, or were forcibly removed, from Gaza in a fruitless effort to advance the peace process.
Following this new Resolution, all Jews in contested territories will once again have to voluntarily pack up or be forcibly removed.
Palestinian President and PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has made this "Judenrein" (Jew-free) objective and its successful implementation very clear. On December 25, 2010, he told reporters in Ramallah, "We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli in it,”
Supporting the current Resolution without seeking a specific retraction has effectively given Abbas the green light to pursue his racist policy.

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Second, there is no mention in the Resolution of the recognition of the right of the Jewish people to self-determination and independence in their own state, quite simply because Abbas is not prepared to accommodate the idea of a Jewish State alongside Palestine. In a 2007 interview with Al-Arabiya TV, Abbas’s Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said, “Israel can call itself whatever it wants, but the Palestinians will not recognize it as a Jewish state."
On August 28, 2011, during a speech to Islamic clerics in Ramallah, Abbas stated, "The international community cannot force us to recognize the nature of the Israeli State. Do not force us to recognize a Jewish state. We will not accept it."
His statement provoked Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman to declare, "Countries around the world must make it clear to Abbas that the only way the Palestinians will be able to have a state is by stopping their attempt to destroy the only Jewish state in the world."
Yet before casting their votes, these countries failed to do so.
Third, this infamous Resolution now negates the decision of the very same General Assembly that, in 1947, recommended the creation of one Arab State and one Jewish State in Palestine.
Indeed, the refusal to recognize Israel as the Jewish State has been one of the principal stumbling blocks to the successful conclusion of negotiations under the 1993 Oslo Accords and former US president George Bush’s 2004 Roadmap for Peace.
The majority vote has – either deliberately or unwittingly - given oxygen to those who continue to deny the right of the Jews to have their own state, sixty-five years after the UN first recommended it.
Fourth, this Resolution makes a mockery of the UN Charter, which has the overall goal of maintaining international peace and security by preventing and removing threats to peace and suppressing acts of aggression. Its states mission is,   “to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace."
How then, can any UN member state advance these objectives with the passing of this Resolution? It denies Jews the right to live as equal citizens in a Palestinian state while also denying them the right to independence and self-determination in a neighboring state of their own.
The passing of this Resolution is bound to set in motion acts of aggression which will further threaten peace. Now armed with a “legitimately” passed resolution, proponents of a Palestinian state –can now seek to nullify a long history of decisions and actions undertaken by the UN in its quest for diplomatic peace. These include:
•    The San Remo Conference and the Treaty of Sevres in 1920, •    The Mandate for Palestine in 1922, •    The granting of independence to Transjordan by Great Britain in 1946•    Article 80 of the United Nations Charter•    The United Nations decision to partition Palestine in 1947•    Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338•    The Oslo Accords1993•    The Bush Road Map 2004
Following his unilateral and ill-advised bid at the UN, Abbas now claims that he wishes to resume negotiations with Israel. But what is there to negotiate apart from newly enhanced terms which will lead to the expulsion of 600,000 Jews? In addition to their possible relocation, the Jewish people will have no right to independence and self-determination.
Hopefully, the 55 nations that failed to swallow this poisoned pill will take the necessary steps required to force the UNGA to negate its latest moved, as was the case when the resolution equating Zionism with racism was rescinded.