Chief Ashkenazi rabbi urges world to pray for Gaza border communities

"Each one of us must bear mutual responsibility, read chapters of Psalms and strengthen Torah learning for peace for the nation of Israel," the rabbi said.

Israeli member of parliament, Gadi Yevarkan, looks at debris in a flat located in an apartment block that was damaged after it was hit by a rocket fired from Gaza (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Israeli member of parliament, Gadi Yevarkan, looks at debris in a flat located in an apartment block that was damaged after it was hit by a rocket fired from Gaza
(photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau called the world to join in prayer for southern Israel, as more than 450 rockets have been fired by Hamas.  
"Each one of us must bear mutual responsibility, read chapters of Psalms and strengthen Torah learning for peace for the nation of Israel," the rabbi said.
Lau urged all Jews to do their part and say a prayer, "Achinu kol beit Israel" [Our brethren, all of the house of Israel] and Chapter 20 of Psalms sentences one through 10. The prayer can be found here.