"The Mujahedeen Shura Council decided to carry out the death sentences."
By JERUSALEM POST STAFFiraq prayer 88.298(photo credit: AP)
Four Russian embassy workers taken hostage by an al-Qaida in Iraq-linked group have been killed after Moscow failed to meet the organization's demand to pull troops out of Chechnya, according to an Internet claim.
The al-Qaida in Iraq led Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of several militant organizations in the country, said the Russians were killed because Moscow "put no value on the lives of its citizens."
One Russian was killed during the June 3 attack in which the four others were taken hostage. On Monday, the council had issued a statement giving Moscow 48 hours to pull its troops out of Chechnya, the southern Russian region with a mainly Muslim population where militants have been fighting for independence since the early 1990s.
"God's law was implemented against the Russian diplomats," said the headline on the Internet statement.
"After giving the Russian government 48 hours to meet our demands, it did not respond. The government put no value on the lives of its citizens, demanding only that they be released while it continued its war on Islam and Muslims (in Chechnya). ... The Mujahedeen Shura Council decided to carry out the death sentences," the text of the statement read.