Google search results are the product of complicated algorithms that sometimes return unwanted or offensive results.
By JTAHollywood sign(photo credit: REUTERS)
Google says it is fixing a bug wherein users who type “Who runs Hollywood?” end up with the following search result: “the Jews.”Google search results are the product of complicated algorithms that sometimes return unwanted or offensive results. Many consider the notion that the Jews run Hollywood to be offensive.A Google spokesman told the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail, “This has been flagged to us, we are working to get it removed as quickly as possible.”After news of the issue made headlines, the top Google search result for “Who runs Hollywood” became an article on the Re/code website titled “Please Don’t Ask Google ‘Who Runs Hollywood.”According to the Re/code article, Google ran into similar trouble in June when a search for “what happened to the dinosaurs” led users to a Creationist website.