Tip for the week: Take your time…change is on the way and soon you will be able to put your plans into action.
By MARALLYN BEN MOSHEA spiral galaxy known as NGC 1433 is seen in an undated image captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope(photo credit: REUTERS)
CAPRICORN (EARTH) DECEMBER 22-JANUARY 19For the past few weeks you have been feeling rather overwhelmed and concerned as to just how you would manage to get everything done on time. This week brings a feeling of relief as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulders.Thoughts turn to money and financial matters and the time is right for making important lists and for doing some serious comparative shopping.A conversation with an air sign will help solidify your thoughts and get you closer to achieving your ultimate goal.HINT: Good time to take a step back and reflect. Sometimes ‘simple’ is so eloquent!AQUARIUS (AIR) JANUARY 20-FEBRUARY 18After weeks of contemplating and watching your plans either stall or be cancelled completely, this week brings a new sense of optimism and recognition that not only was it ‘all for the best’, but that ‘the best is yet to come!’. You have learned and grown so much both professionally and personally over the past few months and all this expertise you have gained will stand you in good stead during the months to come. Your relationship with a special friend is becoming serious as you both realize just how much you enjoy being in each other’s company.HINT: The professional contacts you make now will be just what you need to get you to the next stage.
PISCES (WATER) FEBRUARY 19-MARCH 20 Meetings and social functions will be keeping you busy over the next week and you may have to readjust your schedule in order to accommodate the new load. An elderly member of your family may need more of your time than you can afford to spare, but take a step back and remember just how this person has given you over the years. Financially you continue to watch your spending and even though unexpected expenses have made a hole in your savings you are still on top of the situation.HINT: Good time for structure and for making long-term plans.ARIES (FIRE) MARCH 21-APRIL 19 For far too long you have harnessed most of your thoughts and energy into advancing or developing your career. This week there is a slight shift as you turn your attention toward meetings and social functions. The people you have met along the way have, for the most part, proven to be reliable, but you now need to shake things up. New people, new ideas and new projects will do much to getting you back on track. Sunday and Monday are good days for entertaining at home and will provide a perfect opportunity for mixing business with pleasure.HINT: Not every friendship or relationship is meant to last a lifetime but those which were destined to be have endured.TAURUS (EARTH) APRIL 20-MAY 20Your thoughts now turn to your career as you begin to assess your situation while contemplating your options. Never one to dive into uncharted waters, when the time is right you will know what to do and will make a wise decision. You prefer to be surrounded by intelligent and independent people who are not afraid to express themselves, while, at the same time, keep an open mind. Very much like you, yourself. Financially you have the situation well under control and are even able to put a little aside every month.HINT: Relationships take on a much more serious tone as you enjoy being with your partner and/or mate.GEMINI (AIR) MAY 21-JUNE 21The time has come for you to take a good look at the path you have chosen as new opportunities arise. You are definitely ready for a new adventure and the time is right to reach out and solidify some important professional contacts. Your good name and reputation are well known and it will not be difficult to set up some serious appointments with a few major players. Your relationship with a sibling needs a lot more patience than you have this week, so take a step back and let things flow naturally.HINT: When dealing with financial matters, turn to the experts and pay close attention to their advice.CANCER (WATER) JUNE 22-JULY 22 Over the past couple of weeks you have been a little too free with your spending and this is the week to tighten your belt and recoup your losses. You are always ready to lend a helping hand to a family member but for the next few weeks you need to establish some strong working boundaries if you are to complete a project on time. Your work schedule does not leave you much opportunity to socialize and it may taka bit more time before you can walk away from your desk.HINT: The time has come for you to make two new friends…health and fitness. Once you begin you will wonder what took you so long.LEO (FIRE)JULY 23-AUGUST 22 The time has come for you to put your own needs first, which for you is never an easy thing to do.Your family and close friends will simply have to realize that, as much as you care, you simply cannot be on call 24/7 anymore.You may lose a friend or two along the way but it is actually their loss for losing someone as special as you.This week you will see a positive change in your relationship with your partner and/or mate. Time spent in each other’s company will be not only pleasant and productive but will reconfirm just why you chose each other in the first place.HINT: This week marks the beginning of a period of great self-expression and creativity.VIRGO (EARTH)AUGUST 23-SEPTEMBER 22This week you will be spending a great deal of time with your partner and/or mate and as you share thoughts and brainstorm you will be amazed at just how pleasant your relationship has become.Although you are not identical, you do however complement each other and fill in what the other is lacking.Financially, you need to begin putting sums of money aside as a major expense is expected in the coming months. Perhaps you will do some serious renovations on your home, take that trip you have been dreaming of or host a large family function.HINT: Home and family take on more importance now.LIBRA (AIR)SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23Creativity and self-expression become extremely important this week as you continue to expand professionally.The people you have met along the way for the most part have become like family and this is the time for calling a meeting to discuss some serious projects which have come your way. Together you can do some amazing things, so do your homework and come prepared to ask some significant questions.HINT: A conversation with a family member living far away will reconfirm just how special your relationship is.SCORPIO (WATER)SEPTEMBER 23-OCTOBER 23Professionally, things may not be moving as quickly as you would have liked, but by advancing slowly you can not only recognize a mistake or two you made along the way, but will have the chance to rectify them as you continue working toward attaining your goal. Your schedule has been overloaded for so long that you have almost forgotten what it is like to take a step back and simply relax and recharge your batteries.This week you will have that chance.HINT: The more organized you are the better, so start now!SAGITTARIUS (FIRE) NOVEMBER 22-DECEMBER 21 Worries and concern about money are easing up and by the end of this week you will be able to relax and feel more in control financially.You have been building a solid base and have surrounded yourself with people you know and trust. In the weeks to come you will have a little more free time, so take advantage of this pocket of space to enjoy your family and simply relax and take a breather from your hectic schedule. Your relationship with a sibling will be far more pleasant over the coming weeks.HINT: This is the week to rid yourself of unnecessary things and people in order to turn the page and start anew.Don’t worry, those who have withstood the test of time will always be with you.