How discriminatory are you? Find the number 1 in this picture

Follow the instructions, and see if you can see the hidden number

 Where is the number 1 in this picture? (photo credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)
Where is the number 1 in this picture?
(photo credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)

The following optical illusion is based on a drawing of a fish in black and white, with lots of single numbers around it. Most people had a particularly hard time finding the number 1, while there were also some who were unable to distinguish it at all. Will you find the number?

Will it take you more than 10 seconds to figure out the solution?

The puzzle can be difficult and confusing as you have to look carefully at all the characters that appear in the picture to find the unusual number. The average time to find the number 1 is 10 seconds. The answer is at the bottom of the article.

The video shared on the social network received thousands of comments, and many surfers wrote where the one-digit number was, but many responded that they could not find it and that they had to be exposed to what the commenters wrote.

 The answer is in front of you (credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)
The answer is in front of you (credit: MAARIV/TIKTOK)

Did you find the number? Even if not, no big deal. The answer is before you.