Mischievous dog caught speeding in Slovakia; owner fined

A Slovakian man has been fined after his pet dog was captured on a road camera driving over the speed limit.

  (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

In the village of Šterusy in western Slovakia, a mischievous dog has been caught speeding, resulting in a fine for its 31-year-old owner.

The Slovak police recently shared a comical and entertaining post on their Facebook page, featuring a photo of the dog sitting behind the wheel.

"Mr. Kaleb, you have exceeded the speed limit. May I see your driver's license?" jokingly stated the post on the social network.

The dog humorously responded, "I don't have one."

The dog was asked to pay a fine. Does he have a credit card?

The police told the dog that it had to pay a fine for the offense and asked the dog if it had a way to pay.

According to a Business Insider report, the dog was traveling at a speed of 11 km/h over the limit.

The police expressed their disbelief when they saw the dog sitting alone in the car. They were shocked when instead of finding a driver behind the wheel, they found a brown hound smiling into the camera while obediently sitting and looking out the windshield.

The owner's defended himself

The owner claimed that the dog, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly jumped onto his lap during the drive. However, investigators did not notice any sudden movement in the vehicle when reviewing the footage. The owner was immediately fined by the police for violating traffic laws, but the exact amount of the fine was not disclosed.

The police concluded their post by providing instructions on how to safely transport pets in vehicles and highlighted that any animal, regardless of size, can pose a safety hazard.