Candidly Speaking: The global jihadist onslaught and European Jews

The threat emanates from the broad stream of Islamic fundamentalism and cannot be restricted to Sunnis or Shi’ites, despite the fact that they kill one another.

A CASTLE in Bavaria is illuminated in the tri-color. The author argues that terrorism seeks to bring the world back to the dark ages, when castles and human existence was brutish and religious zeal dictated the pattern of violence and life. (photo credit: REUTERS)
A CASTLE in Bavaria is illuminated in the tri-color. The author argues that terrorism seeks to bring the world back to the dark ages, when castles and human existence was brutish and religious zeal dictated the pattern of violence and life.
(photo credit: REUTERS)
That a massacre of at least 129 civilians in Paris, in the heart of Europe, could be engineered by half a dozen militarily trained killers is an indicator of what we can expect in the future unless ruthless measures are taken to confront the terrorists in their home base and reverse the tide. This will require more than bombing sorties – it will require the deployment of ground forces, which US President Barack Obama still bitterly resists.
Let us not understate the challenge. We face a brutal, no-holds-barred conflict of civilizations in which evil forces motivated by a death cult would take us back to the Dark Ages. The barbarians have already penetrated our gates and we have just been given another preview of the frightening horrors that human beings have the capacity of inflicting upon themselves.
What is amazing is that even after this last manifestation, many European leaders remain in denial and fail to recognize that we are not confronted by mindless nihilistic terrorists but by fanatically inspired Islamic extremists committed to the destruction of Western civilization and democracy.
The threat emanates from the broad stream of Islamic fundamentalism and cannot be restricted to Sunnis or Shi’ites, despite the fact that they kill one another.
The reality is that Shi’ite no less than Sunni are both totally opposed to democracy and freedom of expression and seek to impose Shariah law.
Whether this flows from al-Qaida, Islamic State (IS), the Iranian regime, Hezbollah, Hamas and even the Palestinian Authority, which condemns murders in Paris but blesses the shedding of Jewish blood, they all share an underlying hatred of Western civilization, Christianity and Judaism.
Our first major confrontation with Islamic terrorism beyond the Middle East was the 9/11 World Trade Center atrocity. But since the targeted assassination of Osama bin Laden, there has been a determined effort to convince us that the threat of Islamic extremism has essentially been vanquished.
The United States made concerted efforts to woo and at times even counterproductively groveled to appease Islamic fundamentalists such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian regime.
It was Obama who insisted on erasing any reference to “Islamic terrorism” or any possible nexus between fundamentalist Islam and terrorism. This, despite the fact that aside from a few individual white supremacist outbursts, every recent case of organized terrorism was inspired by Islamic religious frenzy.
The organization currently occupying the spotlight is IS, made up of Sunnis, but the Shi’ite Hezbollah, like the Sunni Hamas, are birds of a feather.

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Despite the murderous cries of “Allahu akbar” by the killers, the French government and the media are even now still burying their heads in the sand when it comes to identifying the enemy. The term “Islamic terrorism” has simply been deleted from the political lexicon.
Until political correctness is set aside and there is a recognition that we face a worldwide threat to our existence and quality of life emanating from organized Islamic extremists, we will not be able to rally and unite to crush these elements.
The Islamic extremists understand that with minimal effort, they can orchestrate attacks in leading Western cities at marginal cost. As was evidenced now in Paris and earlier in Mumbai, half a dozen suicidal armed fanatics planted or resident in communities are able to inflict immense damage.
The situation in Europe is catastrophic. Most countries, in particular France, now host large Muslim communities, a substantial proportion of which are radicalized, anti-democratic and sympathetic to terrorist acts. Independent opinion polls show that the law-abiding moderate Muslims are in a minority and intimidated. What is frightening is the emergence of highly educated, homegrown second-generation European-born Muslims brainwashed in their local communities into becoming fanatical Islamists. A significant number volunteered for military service in Syria and returned to their homelands committed to becoming martyrs at a later stage.
The last straw is the massive flow of “refugees” which threatens to completely change the demography of Europe. Unable to integrate its existing Muslim minorities, there is little doubt that the new flow, which inevitably includes large numbers of xenophobic, anti-democratic and pathologically anti-Semitic radicals, will only strengthen the existing extremist Islamic elements. These “refugees” undoubtedly also incorporate considerable numbers of jihadists who will act immediately or remain sleepers until such time as a new terrorist operation is initiated.
In the midst of this turbulent, massive migration and ongoing fears of new terror attacks, the future for European Jews appears bleaker than ever.
Jews in most of Europe were considered pariahs for many years. Today, the level of anti-Israelism has reached record levels. The majority of Europeans believe Israel represents a greater threat to global security than Iran and North Korea. Most are convinced that Israelis have genocidal intentions in relation to the Arabs, make no distinction between Palestinian terrorists and Jewish victims of terrorism and frequently condemn Israelis for defending themselves against knife-wielding religious fanatics who are convinced that they will achieve paradise if they die in the course of murdering Jews.
While millions of Syrians have been displaced and butchered, European leaders seem more concerned about labeling products produced by Israelis over the Green Line than identifying terrorists. Ironically, the EU does not consider the political wing (sic) of Hezbollah to be a terrorist body. There remains a refusal to recognize that the frenzied killers of Israeli Jews and IS terrorists murdering civilians in Paris, are all components of the same global Islamic terrorist enterprise.
Despite the greater concern about Islamic terrorism in the wake of the shocking attacks in Paris, even now it is highly unlikely that the negative French attitudes toward Israel, designed to appease the Arabs, will be diminished.
Although many Western parliamentarians and heads of state pay lip service to the contrary, popular anti-Semitism appears to be washing over the continent like a tsunami with increasing incitement and violence in most European cities.
On top of this, long-standing quiescent Muslim minorities are being radicalized by terrorists incubated in their midst. This will be intensified by support from European Muslims returning home from Syria and Iraq, promoting their jihadi world outlook.
These negative trends are being dramatically reinforced by what may represent the greatest migratory movement of the century. After Islam failed for centuries to conquer Europe militarily, if the flood of “refugees” is not stemmed, it may yet triumph by demographic means.
In a democracy, politicians ultimately tend to respond to public opinion. In this climate of snowballing anti-Semitic Muslim voters, combined with increasing popular and leftist anti-Semitism, the political future for Jews is bleak.
What makes it worse is that in virtually all European countries, the major beneficiaries of these upheavals will be radical right-wing political parties, some of which are still in the process of purging themselves of the anti-Semitic relics of the past and others of which, particularly in Greece and Hungary, are outright neo-Nazi parties.
Under these circumstances, from every conceivable vantage point European Jews can expect more difficult times. Their pariah-like existence will sink to lower depths and their security will inevitably be further undermined.
For those who seek to maintain Jewish continuity, Europe is beginning to look like a cemetery. Jewish communities will undoubtedly linger on the continent.
But what sort of life will these Jewish enclaves endure with such anti-Semitism, violence and feral hostility to Israel? Can Jewish values and pride be instilled among young Jewish people in such a climate? Many Jews have been contemplating leaving for many years. Events in Paris over the past year and the massive wave of Muslim migration, including jihadist and anti-Semitic elements, only reinforce these legitimate fears. Every committed Jew should now be contemplating aliya. Those unable to uproot themselves for economic or social reasons should at least encourage their children to move to Israel.
Yes, there is terrorism in Israel. But Jews can feel infinitely safer here than in European countries. In Israel, they will unite with their kinsmen and participate in their own Jewish homeland in which their own army, rather than foreign forces, will defend them against anti-Semites and jihadists.
This is surely a final wake-up call for European Jewry to consider making aliya and participating in this great Jewish enterprise.
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