Readers respond to the latest Jerusalem Post articles.
By LETTERS TO THE EDITORTerrorist or protester?The Jerusalem Post should be ashamed of itself. How can a major newspaper fail to understand the power of words? On Page 3 of Sunday’s paper (November 29), you published a photo of a terrorist about to throw a firebomb at a Border Police jeep and described the perpetrator as a “Palestinian protester.” Firstly, these terrorists are Arabs and not Palestinians.And primarily, he is an attempted murderer and not a “protester”.If I were now upset enough to throw a firebomb through the window of The Jerusalem Post offices, would you call me a protester?YEHUDA OPPENHEIMJerusalemIncomplete storiesI refer to your Friday edition (November 26). As usual, the news items were not printed in full on the front page, but continued on Page 10. This is a very common and annoying phenomenon in your newspaper, and I have read other newspapers where this doesn’t happen.But what really annoyed me last Friday, was that the picture of a well known model advertising an item took up half the front page! Well, obviously, there would be no space to print the whole article due to this.
Please can you arrange the layout of your front page differently, so we can read news items? MEIR SMULLENBeit ShemeshEU labelingRegarding the story in Monday’s paper on the EU (“Israel suspends EU contact over peace process,” November 30), the report states that “Israel on Sunday stepped up its battle with the EU over its decision to label products from the settlements, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suspending diplomatic contacts with the EU regarding the Mideast peace process.”The Jerusalem Post has pounded the EU action in editorials (“Immoral labels” November 5) calling them “nasty” and even “immoral,” in opeds throughout November, and in an entire Letter’s column (“Readers react to EU settlement product labeling,” November 8) which demonized the EU and implicitly its supporters including eminent Israelis.Not one single letter supporting the other side ever appearing. Yet Israel’s greatest novelists Amos Oz, David Grossman, A. B. Yehoshua, as well as thousands of liberal Israelis use labels for boycotting settlement products, so why shouldn’t the EU do it also? With EU labeling, the charge of “anti-Israel double standards” has it upside-down. All claimants to Western democratic status and aspirants to Western economic and military organizational affiliations are held to one standard. Except for the West’s “mother of all double standards” which actually favors – the Israeli Right.JAMES ADLER Cambridge, Mass.Syrian refugeesWith regards to Greg Rosenbaum’s opinion piece last Wednesday about American Jews and the need to allow Syrian refugees into the US (“A story the Jews know all too well,” November 25), enough with the comparisons.The Syrian refugees have several Arab rich countries to absorb them and relieve the suffering. They choose not to do so.The Jews were thrown out of their countries just because they were Jews. Had there been an Israel at the time I’m sure we would have accepted the all. How can he even compare the two? There is none.FREYA BINENFELDPetah TikvaOpinion or factGreer Fay Cashman has entertained readers of The Jerusalem Post for many years by writing a column that not only informs us about the activities of Israel’s social, political and financial elite but also enables many of the hoi polloi to see their names in print in a respected newspaper.However, Cashman stepped far out of line my making an editorial comment in regard to the prime minister’s choice of Ran Baratz as head of public diplomacy (Grapevine, November 6).Whether one agrees or disagrees with this choice, comments on it should be limited to the editorial page where it properly belongs.Cashman should continue to provide us with the type of column that has gained her a well-earned reputation.PHILIP SCHOEN SderotCity vs. settlement In Sunday’s report (“Last day of occupation is first day of peace, protesters say,” November 29), it is written that “they had marched down Route 60... to where the road splits in the direction of the Har Gilo settlement and the Palestinian city of Beit Jala.”Could you please explain to me why Har Gilo is termed a Jerusalem “settlement” and Beit Jala is called a “Palestinian city?” Since the end of the British Mandate, where is “Palestine?” For how many millennia has Jerusalem been “settled” by Jews? It might help all readers to know how to define what is a city, town, village, suburb and settlement in the context of what the Post finds fit to print.ESTER ZEITLIN JerusalemFlawed researchersThe personal example revealed in a University of Haifa study and reported on in the article (“Mothers play a large role in preventing eating disorders,” November 30) is another example of the stunted and backward understanding and approach of Israeli medical academia and its professionals regarding eating disorders.Leading researchers in other Western countries have long acknowledged without a doubt the importance of example (particularly mothers). Obviously, a positive body image is preferred to a negative body image. Obviously a positive approach to food and eating are healthier than a negative (“nothing tastes better than thin”) understanding.Studies at UCSD in conjunction with The Scripps Research Institute have proven genetic factors in eating disorders, which certainly has bearing on the body image of mothers and children, as well as fathers. All through the advanced world, great strides in treatment have been made involving parents and families in treatment and refeeding. The Israeli medical establishment does not acknowledge such treatment and is generally quite backward in this field. It is shameful and deadly.With all the great scientific advances made in Israel, it would be incredible if Israelis involved in the science and treatment of eating disorders would step forward into the 21st century. We could be heroes.NAME WITHHELD UPON REQUESTJerusalem