December 7: No luck

Maybe the date is significant – March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. It will certainly take ‘the luck of the Irish’ to bring about any change here!

Letters (photo credit: REUTERS)
(photo credit: REUTERS)
No luck
Sir – Well another general election is to be held next year.
Maybe the date is significant – March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. It will certainly take ‘the luck of the Irish’ to bring about any change here!
Kfar Saba
Do you deliver?
Sir, – In regards to “Knesset elections to take place as early as March 10,” (December 3) Finance Minister Yair Lapid couldn’t deliver the goods.
As one of those hors d’oeuvres politicians who stimulate the public appetite without giving it much to feed on, he was given the sack, leaving the public without a budget and growling bellys.
But on the bright side: we can add mud-pies to our menu; with upcoming elections the mud slinging is about to begin.

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Maintain dignity
Sir, – President Shimon Peres is well-known for his damaging criticisms of leaders of our government, which he was ostensibly serving.
Yes, this is a democracy, and we can speak our minds without fear, but where is the concern for the respect due our leaders and thus our nation in the eyes of the world? Yes, we can disagree and seek change but not denounce all our national efforts for peace and security, thus denigrating our basic positions and values.
If political opponents believe they can achieve influence and/ or power by viciously denouncing all previous governmental policy, they may be surprised to learn that many of us approve of the expression of alternative approaches, but not at the expense of our nation’s stature and dignity.
It’s just a beard
Sir, – After reading “Why CEOs are growing beards,” (December 3) it had me recalling the words of one potential customer when I owned my own business in Chicago.
The buyer for Chicago’s most prestigious hotel repeatedly avoided my efforts to sell him.
I always thought it was because I am Jewish, but I persisted.
After years of exasperation, I asked why he did not buy from me despite our great reputation and prices? His response, “I don’t trust people with a beard.”
I never shaved, but eventually got his business after busting out laughing.
Ramat Beit Shemesh
Go left
MK Tzipi Livni was fired from her cabinet post after incessantly attacking the very government of which she was a part. Recent opinion polls show that her small party, Hatnua, is likely to become even smaller after the upcoming national election.
Wouldn’t it make sense now for Livni and her party to switch to a larger left-wing party such as Labor? This type of move is logical for a politician like Livni, who has already been a member of three different political parties: Likud, Kadima, and Hatnua.
We wouldn’t suggest that Livni now switch to Meretz, so that she will have the option of switching to a fifth party if she later decides to leave Labor too.
Outside the box
Sir, – The daily farcical behavior of our country’s leaders, who spend most of their time mudslinging their Knesset colleagues, marks a new low in Israeli politics.
Rather than tinker with our broken parliamentary system, it’s time to think outside (way outside) the box.
I propose that we import some politicians with a proven track record.
How about hiring Rudy Guilliani, former mayor of New York City, to run the show for a four year stint? For those who would prefer someone Jewish at the helm, Michael Bloomberg would do just fine.
Once the Knesset is disbanded and MKs sent packing, the hundreds of millions saved could be channeled into health, education and lowering the cost of living.
I’m sure either Guilliani or Bloomberg can run the economy better than Yair Lapid, and they can probably put in a good word for Israel with the White House.
Color and flavor
Sir, – Anita Diamant, always an interesting author, pens a most entertaining novel titled The Red Tent.
In the article on December 1, (Pitching the ‘Red Tent,’) Christians who hold the quoted positive view of the Bible by the freedom that Jews have with the text, are being partially misled.
These popular Bible docu-dramas are chock full of stories from the Midrash and the author’s fertile imagination.
The Midrash gives color and flavor while fleshing out the lessons that the Bible imparts.
Speaking to audiences, I am taken aback by the number of books in this genre who should have the word “fiction” in bright red letters accompanied by the words, “based on the Bible.”
That would be truth in advertising!
The writer is an author and lecturer.
Making history
Sir, – Wednesday, December 3 was truly a remarkable day. Reading “Druse physician to make the jump from treating IDF soldiers to running a hospital” made my morning coffee twice as good.
Salman Zarka becoming the first Druse director-general of an Israeli medical center is truly a story for everyone to read.
What a shame it was not on the front page to next to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s picture, in order to convince Right and Left that the new ‘Jewish state’ bill the prime minister has suggested is unnecessary. Zarka is making history, and let’s be proud Jews by preserving our beautiful heritage of our multi-nation state.
Meet half way
Sir, – I would like a comment on the article “Peres: There will be no peace or security with Netanyahu,” December 3). I fail to understand how Shimon Peres can berate Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu for his approach or lack of it to the “peace” question.
To quote:- “The challenge that Israel faces is to understand that peace will not come to us. We have to go to peace. Muhammad did not come to the mountain.
The mountains will not come to Muhammad.”
To borrow from an old Jewish joke. When a religious man asked God to please let him win the lottery. The Slmighty replied “at least meet me half way and buy a ticket.” The Arabs wish to win the lottery with no ticket and no compromise.
Tel Aviv
Special votes
Sir, – The Jerusalem Post reported on December 3 that the French parliament held a non-binding Palestine vote, and this follows on from an earlier vote on November 19 in Spain, when the lower house of Spain’s parliament unanimously passed a non-binding motion to recognize a Palestinian state.
Might I suggest that the Knesset hold a special session and vote to recognize the independence of Corsica, which was seized by France from Genoa in 1768, as demanded by the “freedom fighters” of the National Liberation Front of Corsica.
It might also consider a similar declaration in favor of the historic state of Catalonia, which has been suppressed by Spain for more than 500 years. In view of the overwhelming majority in the recent referendum there, it has a real claim, both democratic and historical, for its independence.
Both have a far greater right to independence than Abbas’s kleptocracy or Hamas’s Islamist dictatorship.
Salford, England