September 7: Open bias

The European Union remains the epitome of bias against Israel and therefore, in the eyes of most Israelis, cannot really be of influence.

letters (photo credit: JP)
(photo credit: JP)
Open bias
Sir, – “Settler leader, Braverman, debate wisdom of annexing West Bank” (September 5) was clear and concise about the speakers and their points of view. However, the most challenging speaker was John Gatt-Rutter, deputy European Union representative to Israel.
Gatt-Rutter stated that the Europeans were giving much money to the Palestinians with the hope that it will be used to pay the salaries of security personnel in order to further the cooperation that exists between Israel and the moderate Palestinian leadership.
He further stated that the Palestinians were now building national institutions for a state.
No questions were asked publicly regarding the diatribes and hatred launched against Israel via Palestinian text books. No questions were asked either about how a Palestinian request for statehood would impinge on other ethnic groups such as the Basques and the Kurds, and on their own desires for statehood.
The European Union remains the epitome of bias against Israel and therefore, in the eyes of most Israelis, cannot really be of influence.
Israel would be able to turn to the EU for advice if the bias were not so open.
Silver lining
Sir,– Should the PA be recognized as a member of the UN, would this mean it will be, of necessity, treated differently than as an organization? By this, I mean that its aggression could give its victims the right to complain to the UN or, failing that, go to war using all means to protect ourselves.
If this is the case, then all is not lost after all.
Place of birth
Sir, – Your article “Report: Golda Meir lobbied US to bomb Auschwitz” (September 5) refers to Meir as “the US-born Zionist leader.” Actually, she was born in Kiev and was brought as a child to the US.
As a wise saying advises, when in doubt look it up. Otherwise, look it up.
Turkey’s demands
Sir, – Turkey is the last state that has the right to demand an apology from Israel, considering its cumulative crimes against 1.5 million Armenians and other minorities in the Middle East. It wants the West to think it is a moderate Islamic regime, but in reality it is criminal. It’s just like a prostitute who lectures on chastity.
Sir, – “Waiting for Ankara” (Editorial, September 5) and “Turkey’s foreign policy is in shambles” (Comment & Features) on the same page are admirably and extensively portrayed.
But one singular item appears to have been forgotten: Why is it that when discussing arms smuggling into the Gaza Strip, no mention is made about Israel’s capture of ships fully laden with weapons and ammunition? The clear exposure of the capture of the ships should be more than sufficient to explain the absolute necessity of having a sea and land blockade.
Any right-minded person could not possible misunderstand that this is a matter of survival for Israel.
Sir, – It seems that everyday, Turkey makes another threat against Israel unless the latter apologizes for the actions of soldiers who defended themselves last year on the Mavi Marmara.
Therefore, can you imagine my surprise when I read in “Cars crucial for Israeli-Turkish economic ties” (Business & Finance, September 5) that in the first eight months of this year Israel imported from Turkey over 16,000 vehicles with a total value of NIS 1.64 billion? Would it not make sense for Israel to suspend the import of these cars until the Turkish government issues an apology for attempting to break Israel’s legal blockade of Gaza? At the very least, these imports should be suspended until the daily threats from Turkey stop.
Beit Shemesh
Sir, – It took only 24 hours for the Israeli public to give up using Turkish Airlines to reach other destinations.
Now, thanks to your disclosure of the models of various Korean, Japanese and French cars that are actually made in Turkey, we might also see a shift in the Israeli public’s car-buying habits.
It may well be Turkey’s wish maintain economic ties with Israel, and while I would not expect the Israeli government to say anything that affects trade, we can vote on our own concerning how we want to spend our money.
Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan may soon realize that he does not have all the cards – just the loudest voice.
Sir, – It’s all quite simple: Boycott Turkish Airlines and Turkish resorts. Also, support the Armenian campaign to have Turkey admit to the 1915 massacres; support the Kurds in their struggle against Turkish oppression; and support the Greek Cypriots in their efforts against the illegal Turkish occupation of the northern half of their island.
If this doesn’t work we can always boycott Turkish coffee.
Jeff on Larry Sir, – Jeff Barak, in his spirited defense of his friend (“The firing of Larry Derfner,” Reality Check, September 5), fires a broadside against the Post’s readers, accusing them of being “the real danger to Israel with their narrow self-righteous view of the world, damaging the fabric of Israel as an open society.”
While credit goes to Barak for jumping to Derfner’s defense in the latter’s sad hour, does Barak not realize his fellow columnist’s actions were in effect indefensible and that no words from anyone could mollify, justify or soften the blow? Derfner lived, and was eventually felled, by his words. Just as there is no such thing as a free lunch, words are not free of responsibilities.
Mevaseret Zion
Sir, – I’m afraid Jeff Barak is wrong and Steve Linde (“Caging the tiger,” Editor’s Notes, September 2) is right.
It is simply inconceivable to me how Larry Derfner crossed such an unconditional red line.
The victims near Eilat or, as we approach the 10th anniversary of 9/11, in the Twin Towers or the doomed aircraft, could have been his own family.
As with Helen Thomas, Derfner was in my view the main moral conscience of a major media institution. But like she did, he suddenly uttered the inconceivable. Thomas’s apology didn’t do her any good either.
If only Derfner had again written what he did after the atrocity at Itamar, that “until Palestinians acknowledge the savage streak in their society – even if only to themselves – and resolve to root it out, then, if history is a guide, there will be more abominations done in their name.”
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Sir, – Jeff Barak defends Larry Derfner’s right to say that the killing of Jews by Palestinians is okay by reminding us of Ehud Barak’s super-egregious statement, that were he born a Palestinian he would join a terrorist organization.
Two asinine statements don’t make either one right.
Sir, – The former editor-inchief of The Jerusalem Post seems to think its readers were responsible for the firing of Larry Derfner. As a subscriber and daily reader, am I involved in this? No! The blame can only be borne by Derfner.
But as we approach the Jewish New Year where we “forgive and forget,” I propose that Derfner be given back his job, although he should close his blog and leave it that way.