The immoral goals of Palestinianism - Opinion

The ideology of Palestinianism is that Israel is a “settler, colonial state” on Palestinian land, which oppresses Palestinians and has no right to exist.

A PALESTINIAN protests outside Jerusalem. The international community and some Israelis and Palestinians are once again talking about the two-state solution. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
A PALESTINIAN protests outside Jerusalem. The international community and some Israelis and Palestinians are once again talking about the two-state solution.
(photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
 Palestinianism has two goals. Its immediate goal is a Palestinian state under the PLO, based on the 1949 armistice lines, comprised of all of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and “eastern Jerusalem,” and the “right of return” for millions of Arabs living in UNRWA towns and camps, and millions of others around the world. The Gaza Strip would remain under Hamas. Neither is, or would be democratic; both support terrorism. 
Its long-term goal is the elimination of Israel, explicitly stated in the PLO Covenant and Hamas Charter.
The ideology of Palestinianism is that Israel is a “settler, colonial state” on Palestinian land, which oppresses Palestinians and has no right to exist. This is supported by the international community, including the UN and most Muslim countries.
This ideology was recently supported by an anti-Israel resolution by CUNY staff and faculty promoted by a Trotskyite group, the Left Voice, which is part of an anti-Israel and anti-American international organization. This ideology has become dominant in North American, Latin American and European countries, and among left-wing Israelis, such as Meretz, which is part of the current coalition. While supporting the immediate goals of Palestinianism, “self-determination” and “ending the occupation,” they ignore its long-range objective: eliminating Israel.
The failure to understand the nature and meaning of Palestinianism led to the Oslo Accords, which legitimized it, granted the PLO a quasi-state and divided Judea and Samaria into Palestinian-controlled areas under the PA/PLO and those under Israeli control. The issue of “settlements” remains controversial in Israel and other countries. There is no question, however, that Judea and Samaria – according to archeologists – contain thousands of Jewish historical sites, many as yet unexplored and unexcavated. There are no “Palestinian” historical sites in this area, or anywhere else, because “Palestinian identity” is a recent phenomenon, contrived to oppose Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. 
Many consider the presence of Jews in Judea and Samaria to be “illegal under international law.” The “law,” however, has never been clarified, or determined. The claim is accepted as fact without proof. Nevertheless, support for a Palestinian state as part of a “peace process” is and has been the policy of every Israeli government for four decades. This explains why Israeli hasbara (advocacy) has failed, and why many, including those who consider themselves to be pro-Israel, are confused; it is why many have turned against Israel. 
A major source of confusion is the International Committee of the Red Cross, which determined that Israel’s presence in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem violated the Fourth Geneva Convention, calling it “occupied Palestinian territory.” The ICRC also decided that the Golan Heights belonged to Syria. The ICRC’s arbitrary decision is considered to be “the law,” and was adopted by the UN and other international organizations. It has never been debated, and is not subject to review. 
“End the occupation” and “free Palestine” are Palestinian mantras and the core of Palestinianism, part of a long-term agenda to create a Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.” It begins with a PLO (or Hamas) state in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem; it ends with Israel’s demise. Sadly, it’s dangerous and destructive and it’s immoral, but it’s the reality. And one should never argue with reality. 
The author is a PhD historian and Israeli journalist.