Best Bladder Control And Bladder Strengthening Supplements for Urinary incontinence

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Are you losing the control of your bladder often putting you in embarrassing situations? Are you often in situations when urine leaks even while sneezing or coughing? The article will provide you with a simple solution for your problems.

Normally such situations are faced by the elderly people. But in the present time even young persons are affected with urinary incontinence.

It is possible to treat the symptom by simple changes in lifestyle and diets. 

Types of urine incontinence

  • Stress incontinence: when urine leaks due to pressure such as during sneezing, coughing, laughing or lifting loads, we call it stress incontinence.
  • Urge incontinence: the urge for urination comes suddenly with a high degree of intensity causing leakages. It may have to urinate often. The causes of such urinary incontinence are diabetes, infection of urinary tract or some form of neurological disorder.
  • Overflow incontinence: when the bladder does not get empty even after urination, you may experience dribbling of urine frequently.
  • Functional incontinence: for some, functional disorders such as arthritis may cause unusual delay in making it to the toilet. Such impairments may cause urine leakage.
  • Mixed incontinence: when you face more than one type of incontinence, it is called mixed incontinence. Often such incontinence includes stress and urge incontinence.

Most of the above types of urinary incontinence can be treated by taking supplements. In this article we have selected two most popular and effective supplements which have been found to treat urinary incontinence effectively.

The two best Natural Supplement For bladder control supplements are:

Both the above bladder control supplements are made from natural ingredients which have proven efficacious in treating issues of urinary incontinence.

The supplements strengthen the muscles of the bladder as well as the pelvic floor. As and when the muscles become stronger by the use of the blending of the potent ingredients of the supplement, you start getting back to a healthy life.


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This supplement uses ingredients which have been used by men for centuries as traditional medicines. So the efficacy of the ingredients is time tested.

The modern advanced knowledge in medicines has been intelligently used in making the perfect scientific blending of the ingredients in right ratios for enhancing the power of the ingredients.

The supplement Flotrol has been found to be very effective for all types of urinary incontinence. It works wonderfully for persons of all ages specially for the elderly people.

Another impressive point about the supplement is its simple formula and transparency regarding its ingredients. It may sound surprising when it is said that the supplement has only two ingredients as its primary work-force.

The two primary ingredients of Flotrol

Pumpkin seed extract: the native Americans are very fond of pumpkin seeds which they often use as medicine for treating urinary disorders. Modern medicinal research has found that pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants which are essential for reducing inflammation. It also has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland. By using the latest scientific knowledge the formula uses this potent ingredient in the right proportion so that the effect can be deadly.

Soybean extract: this second ingredient of the supplement Flotrol is a potent one which has been found to effectively treat many bladder issues. By strengthening the muscles of the bladder and the pelvic floor, it enhances the control on urine. It also eliminates the possibilities of UTI.

The beneficial effects of Flotrol, the best medicine for bladder control 

  • Can treat urinary tract infection
  • Enhances the control on bladder
  • Improves the working of prostate
  • It has antioxidant effects such as reducing inflammation
  • Helps reducing oxidative stress
  • Tackles the issues with enlarged prostate

Mode of work of Flotrol supplement for bladder control

Regulation of hormonal secretion: hormones play important roles in all body functions. Sometimes hormonal imbalances may cause weakening of pelvic as well as bladder muscles. Weakened pelvic muscles become the root cause of many urinary tract infections. Flotrol works by regulating the hormonal imbalances and reversing all urinary issues.

Muscle strengthening: the ingredients of the supplement Flotrol strengthens the muscles of the bladder. It does it by enhancing the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide has a relaxing effect on the bladder. Thus even when the bladder is full it does not allow urine leakage. The blended ingredients of the supplement also enhances the flow of vital nutrients to the bladder thus strengthening the muscles of the bladder.

In contrast to all the above beneficial effects of the supplement it does have some negative points as below:


  • Some people may be allergic to pumpkin and soy
  • The supplement could not get the approval of FDA yet
  • May cause gas and bloating issues to some users

The blending of pumpkin seed extract and soy extract for treating urinary issues was discovered by Japanese scientists. They had conducted a detailed study by prescribing the blended ingredients to the sufferers.

The sufferers were given a daily dose of the blended ingredients. It was noted that the urinary incontinence could be remedied to the extent of 79% of the participants.

The doses were provided regularly for several weeks. 

The scientists then studied the efficacy and found that the pumpkin seed extract had an anabolic effect and it enhances the production of testosterone.

This has a strengthening effect on the muscles of the pelvic floor and the bladder.

The soy extract, on the other hand, reduces the effects of aging of the bladder due to the presence of phytoestrogen in it.

Buying options for Flotrol


One month test plan $47.95

Three month moderate plan $39.97 each

Six month maximum plan $29.98 each

Official website: Click Here !

Guarantee clause

90 day 100% money back guarantee


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Confitrol24 is another best supplement for frequent urination which is used to treat all types of urinary incontinence. This supplement is specifically targeted for female sufferers.

The supplement can also be used by other people suffering from urinary incontinence.

The supplement is a perfect blending of potent ingredients and works in strengthening the muscles of the walls of the bladder. It also reduces inflammation and various other problems associated with urinary tract infection.

The methodology of working of the supplement for treating urinary incontinence, Confitrol24.

By reducing the inflammation: most urinary incontinence is caused due to inflammation of bladder walls and the surrounding areas.

Such inflammation may even lead to UTI and cause many other discomforts. The supplement contains a mix of potent antioxidants which remedy the inflammation.

In this way the supplement Confitrol gives instant relief to the sufferers. It also helps the organs to function efficiently.

By eliminating the toxins from the body: the second reason for the urinary incontinence is oxidative stress due to building up of toxins. This condition can create many troubles and discomforts.

The rich blending of potent antioxidants which are present in the supplement play a significant role in eliminating all the free radicals. By eliminating the free radicals the body becomes free from oxidative stress.

With the elimination of oxidative stress the sufferer gets back his or her control on the bladder.

By strengthening the muscles of the bladder: the supplement Confitrol contains horsetail extract which is a well known ingredient for strengthening the muscles.

By strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor, it helps the sufferers to avoid urine leakages. It is the treatment for urinary tract infection too.

The scientific blend of potent ingredients improves the elasticity of the bladder. An elastic bladder is beneficial for stopping leakages.

The ingredients of Confitrol, the supplement for treating urinary incontinence


This ingredient is an extraction from the tree known as crataeva nurvala tree. It is a useful element for strengthening the muscles of the bladder. It also remedies gastric issues as well as constipation.

The ingredient has been picked up from Ayurvedic medicines. It has been used for centuries by people for treating urinary issues. By making the bladder elastic, it helps the people to control the bladder and hold the urine for a longer period.

Raw Horsetail Extract:

This ingredient has been used since long and is a known agent for treating urinary incontinence. By consuming the ingredient regularly the urine output increases and the user is able to empty the bladder fully. The anti-inflammatory role of the ingredient reduces inflammation providing further comfort to the user.

Lindera Aggregata:

The ingredient has been picked from the Chinese system of medicine. It has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years. Modern science has found lots of antioxidants in the herb. These antioxidants reduce oxidative stresses by removing the free radicals from the body. The ingredient is able to fight the pathogens and eliminate toxic foreign substances from the body. By this, issues of URI are reduced.

Beneficial effects of Confitrol24

  • Treats urinary incontinence effectively
  • Improves the controlling power over the bladder
  • Treats inflammations
  • Strengthens the muscles of bladder walls as well as pelvic floor
  • Improves the working of the prostate gland
  • Relieves the discomforts due to urinary tract infection
  • Made from natural ingredients without any side effects

Cons of Confitrol24

  • Not free from soy. Allergic people may find it unsuitable
  • Expensive
  • Response time can be a few weeks

Buying options for Comfitrol24

You can buy the supplement Confitrol24 from the official website of the company. Click here !


3 month supply $124.99

2 month supply $889.99

1 month supply $49.99

Guarantee clause

67 days risk free guarantee for 100% refund of purchase cost.

How to stop frequent urination naturally

Whenever you feel any urinary incontinence, you have to get alert. In the initial stages of urinary incontinence the discomfort can be treated with simple efforts.

But if the problem is allowed to persist for a long period of time you will need the advice of some experts in the field of urinary issues.

Home remedies for frequent urination

  1. Keep hydrated: this is the primary step for avoiding urinary incontinence. Whenever you feel any sort of urinary discomfort start to hydrate your body. By drinking enough water you will be able to flush out urine from the body along with toxins and other harmful foreign substances. The urinary tract will get cleaned eliminating the possibilities of infections. More water intake means more flushing of urine which enables you to have a better control of the bladder. It also eliminates leakages.
  2. Drinking Cranberry Juice: Cranberry juice is considered ideal when dealing with urinary tract infection. After knowing the beneficial effects of cranberry juice many branded supplements have also started to use the juice for treating urinary tract infection efficiently. The juice is good for treating inflammation and flushing out toxins and harmful substances from the body.
  3. Wear light clothes: Humans are born free. We force tight clothes on our body, compressing vital organs. When we put on tight clothes, the bladder has to feel the pressure causing leakages. The excess pressure on the bladder may also lead to serious disorders.
  4. Stop taking caffeine: caffeine is a known stimulant. It also stimulates the urine production and causes irritation to the bladder. This may cause urine leakages. The caffeine may be useful for healthy people. But for the people suffering from urinary discomfort caffeine intake is not advised. When the user stops taking caffeine the situation will be improved positively.
  5. Avoid holding the urine: holding the urine even after feeling the urge is not a good practice. It may aggravate the urinary tract infection and may also develop infection in the urinary tract. Make a practice of going to the washroom whenever you feel the urge of passing urine.

Common causes of urinary incontinence

The reasons for urinary incontinence can be many. The most common causes are weak muscles of the bladder and pelvic floor, too much physical exertion, aging, prostate enlargement, lack of nutritious food intake, wearing tight clothes etc.

Primary urinary incontinence can be treated at home by taking some simple steps. These are improving the diet, drinking plenty of water, pelvic floor exercises, stopping the intake of caffeine etc.

You may also take natural supplements for treating urinary incontinence like Flotrol and Confitrol24.


Question: What causes bladder spasms and what are the bladder spasm medications?

Answer: in normal healthy people the urine slowly fills the bladder and a feeling comes making the person aware of the need to urinate. But when bladder spasm occurs the urgency to urinate comes suddenly and severely. This sudden and involuntary squeezing of bladder muscles is called bladder spasm. If the spasm causes leakage of urine then the condition is overactive bladder.

Botox is prescribed to treat nerve related bladder spasm. The medicine is injected directly to the bladder.

Sometimes some food may cause bladder spasm. To avoid food related bladder spasm, you may require to maintain a chart of foods which cause bladder spasm. Try to avoid such foods.

Voiding in a regular interval of say two hours may help some sufferers. With improvements the time interval can be increased.

Pelvic floor exercise or kegels exercises are one kind of therapy to strengthen the muscles of the bladder and the pelvic floor. For this the patient needs instructions from the doctor.

Medication for relaxing the bladder is anticholinergics. Antidepressant imipramine hydrochloride helps the bladder to relax. But such medicines have side effects.

Bladder spasm treatment can also be done by taking supplements such as Flotrol and Confitrol24.

Question: How to calm an irritated bladder?

Answer: Urinary tract infection and urinary incontinence often cause irritated bladder. Irritated bladder causes leakages putting the person in an embarrassed situation. Ways to calm an irritated bladder are:

  • Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Anything which may dehydrate the body should be avoided. Drinking high amounts of caffeine rich fluid irritates the bladder. So is dehydration. When we cut back on water the urine gets concentrated resulting in enhanced bladder urgency. It may also cause infection. Drinking sufficient quantities of water flushes out urine along with toxins and harmful substances.
  • By treating properly any urinary tract infections, the irritated bladder can be calmed. Doctors may suggest some antibiotics for quick recovery.
  • Taking foods which do not cause constipation may provide some comfort. The constipated people have to exert more pressure on the bladder which increases the urge for urination. Foods rich in fiber may be a good choice. Purgative may be used to get rid of hard stool. Drinking more water may make the stool soft, requiring less pressure.
  • Foods rich in magnesium may help as magnesium improves the functioning of the nerves. Magnesium is available in almond, whole grains, fish and green vegetables.
  • Intake of more sugar is the other culprit which irritates the bladder. Sugar intake increases the frequency of urination.
  • Stress incontinence is strongly related to obesity. Shedding some extra weight may help and calm the irritated bladder

Question: what happens if you take too many AZO pills?

Answer: AZO pills are used in the treatment of urinary incontinence. The medicine cannot treat the root cause of the incontinence but tends to relieve the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Taking too many AZO pills have many side effects like tiredness, changes in the color of the skin, shortness of breath, change in the urine amount, fast heartbeat, easy bleeding, seizures etc.

Question: what is Gosha Jinki Gan?

Answer: it is a japanese herbal medicine which is used for treating overactive bladder. The medicine consists of ten Japanese herbs. Sufficient clinical studies are not available to ascertain the effectiveness of the medicine and its side effects.

Question? What are the medications to stop frequent urination?

Answer: Anticholinergic drugs are used to stop frequent urination. The common side effects of the drug include dry mouth and constipation. Imipramine, which is an antidepressant, is also used to relax the bladder and stop frequent urination. Dietary supplements such as Flotrol and Confitrol24 are also used.

Question: what are the bowel incontinence home remedies?

Answer: bowel incontinence is one condition when the patient has leakage of stool. To treat the condition there are some home remedies. In case the condition persists even after doing some adjustments it is advised to call a doctor and do thorough examination.

The home remedies are

  • Consume fibers in plenty: fiber makes the stool bulky making it less likely to leak. A man needs 38 grams of fiber while a woman needs 25 grams of fiber.
  • Reduce the caffeine intake: caffeine enhances the rate of pushing of the intestine muscles. The stool water does not find time to get absorbed and the stool cannot bulk up.
  • Make a food chart to avoid problematic food: certain foods for certain people may cause the loose stool. Try to avoid such foods.
  • Fix a timing for bowel movement: try to plan your bowel movement at some fixed time.
  • Do kegels exercise: such exercise strengthens pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the bowel and prevent stool leakage.
  • Occasional water enema

Question: what are the Saw Palmetto Side Effects Female?

Answer: Saw Palmetto is a dietary supplement which is made from a tree-fruit called Serenoa repens tree. The common side effects of saw palmetto are dizziness, headache, nausea and constipation. 

It is not advisable for pregnant women as no sufficient study results are available.

The medicine may likely alter hormonal balance. Not suitable for patients who are undergoing hormonal therapy or hormonal contraceptives.

Pregnant and nursing females are advised not to take the medicine without consulting the doctor.

Question: What is the best medicine for bladder control?

Answer: the prescribed medicines for bladder control are having side effects. The best medicine for bladder control without any side effects are dietary supplements like Flotrol and Confitrol24. These supplements are made from the natural ingredients most of which have been used for centuries by the ancient people for the treatment of urinary issues. The ingredients include pumpkin seed extract, soy seed extract, cratevox extract, raw horsetail extract,lindera aggregata etc.

Question: what are the home remedies for frequent urination?

Answer: drinking plenty of water, avoiding caffeine intake, taking fiber to avoid constipation, doing kegels exercise for strengthening the bladder muscle and pelvic floor muscles, refrain from heavy load lifting exercises etc.

To buy Confitrol24 on the Official Website, Click Here!

To buy Flotrol on the Official Website, Click Here!

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