MK-677 Ibutamoren Sarm: RESULTS, Side Effects & Dosage

MK-677 IButamoren: Complete Guide and Review

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(photo credit: PR)

As an amateur or professional bodybuilding athlete, you must definitely have heard about SARMs and more specifically about the SARM Ibutamoren MK-677, one of the most "favorable" products for bulking today, used by young and old bodybuilders wishing to maintain their muscle mass intact as they advance in age.

The SARM Ibutamoren MK-677 opens up a very large topic of discussion - with many pros and cons as well, presented in this article in the lines below. 

What a better start than to know this popular SARM in every aspect (positive or negative).

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Ibutamoren MK-677 – what it is

Ibutamoren MK-677 (also known as Nutrobal) as a member of the SARMs family is a Selective Androgen Receptor Agonist, and more specifically a Ghrelin receptor agonist.

Ghrelin – identity and its role in bodybuilding

Ghrelin – a member of the so-called "hunger hormones" - is a very important peptide produced in the gastrointestinal tract, functioning in the organism as a neuropeptide.

This means assuming a role of transmitting chemical messages within the organism, a kind of a "postman" of coded (chemical) messages produced by the brain’s pituitary gland and then channelled throughout the body through the spinal cord.

The neuropeptides (like ghrelin) are "endogenous opioids", a sort of emotional molecule confirming that every nerve cell in the body can function as a "brain".

In particular, ghrelin is a hormone associated with organisms with appetite and therefore with body weight.

However, apart from the appetite, ghrelin, as a neuropeptide (as already mentioned) is a sort of an "emotional molecule", expressing the pleasure associated with food consumption.

Thus, when you eat a meal you like, the production of the hormone ghrelin is reduced and then the feeling of hunger is suppressed.

Scientists believe that the feeling of hunger after a meal of your choice subsides - not because it filled your stomach, but - because you were satisfied with the taste, feeling happy and full.

Ghrelin - How it helps in bodybuilding

The hormone ghrelin - according to scientific research - promotes appetite control and the fight against obesity, also assisting in increasing the production of another very important hormone in the organism, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

Let’s see how Ibutamoren, the Growth hormone (HGH) and bodybuilding are related to each other.

The SARM Ibutamoren MK-677 - as a selective ghrelin receptor agonist, promotes the natural production of the Growth hormone in the organism, working by promoting muscle growth in the organism and rapid cell regeneration.

This also increases the production of another important chemical in the organism, the growth factor (IGF1), very similar to insulin.

IGF1 although a protein acts as a hormone in the organism. It is an insulin-like growth factor acting as a factor in the growth of muscle tissue/as a regulator of energy metabolism/enhancer of the process of cell proliferation/a stimulant of anabolic processes in the organism.

All these "capabilities" of Ibutamoren MK-677 make it especially useful for bodybuilders (and athletes in general) aiming for rapid physical benefits and enhanced energy reserves.

Nevertheless, be careful. Ibutamoren MK-677 has not been approved by the FDA and its use remains banned (and illegal) for sports purposes.

In fact, a special body undertakes special controls in all official sports events, prosecuting the user by law and imposing the applicable penalties

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Conclusion on Ibutamoren MK-677 IS IDENTITY

A very strong chemical compound working very favorably on muscle bulking and bodybuilding.

However, it remains an illegal product (when it comes to non-medical use with the appropriate prescription) and its use is detected & prosecuted by law.

What Is Ibutamoren MK-677 Created For?

As with all SARMs, the Ibutamoren MK-677's original purpose (clearly) was not to boost the muscle mass of some fanatical bodybuilders.

Ibutamoren was created to help - as a powerful drug - serious diseases such as:

  • Obesity
  • type 2 Diabetes
  • Οsteoporosis
  • Cachexia
  • Μuscle loss

SARM Ibutamoren MK-677 – How it works

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As already mentioned, SARM Ibutamoren MK-677, promotes the secretion of growth hormone and the growth factor IGF1 in the organism.

Imitating the action of the hormone ghrelin binds to one of the ghrelin receptors in the brain and stimulates the release of growth hormone.

As scientific research shows, MK-677 imitates the hormone ghrelin, affecting the user's appetite and more specifically increasing it, due to the "activated" ghrelin receptor in the brain (GHSR).

However, this ghrelin receptor is located in a brain area that - in addition to hunger - is also associated with emotions, mood, pleasure, memory, cognitive function and even the organic biological rhythms.

As expected, the MK-677 (as shown by scientific research to date), can affect these functions of the organism, giving significant benefits.

It is therefore not a coincidence that Ibutamoren MK-677 users also report benefits such as improved concentration, enhanced perception, improved energy levels, enhanced mood and increased competitiveness in their workouts.

SARM Ibutamoren - The 10 Key Benefits of its use

The MK-677 is a product of the SARMs category and in fact with a very strong active force.

Most of the benefits associated with the use of MK-677 are mainly related to the capability of this chemical to significantly increase the release of growth hormone in the organism.

Below we see in more detail these benefits and how these help in coaching.

1. Lean muscle enhancement and hard muscle reconstruction

It is the capability of MK-677 to increase growth hormone and growth factor IGF1 offering the unique capability to build lean hard muscle mass in such a fast and dramatic way.

Ibutamoren users typically report the benefits of gaining several kilos of lean muscle in just 1 cycle.

These kilos can reach approximately two and a half (2.5) to five (5) kilos of lean muscle. The more correct the training program and the diet program followed by the user, the bigger and more spectacular the final muscular benefits obtained during his cycle.

Nevertheless, do not forget that the results are not always the same among the users... The outcome includes various factors, such as age or health status and the hereditary predisposition of each individual.


The use of Ibutamoren MK-677 can indeed have many benefits in terms of the body’s muscle, rebuilding and loss of excess body fat, however also carrying risks.

Research shows that long-term use (as is usually the case in bodybuilding) increases the likelihood of developing problems such as joint stiffness (arthralgia), carpal tunnel syndrome, gynecomastia and soft tissue swelling.

2. Fat burning and “drying" of the body

Another reason that bodybuilders everywhere seem to prefer the MK-677 is its ability to promote fat loss in the body.

After all, who does not want a body muscular and ribbed, completely "dry" from fat?

This SARM by increasing the production levels of growth factor IGF1 and - certainly - growth hormone (and even in a huge percentage reaching or exceeding 35 to 40%) helps increase the body's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

Boosting metabolism clearly implies an increased fat loss, even with no exercise.

Users of the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren report a steady increase in their lean muscle mass, while constantly reducing their body fat percentage significantly.

This enables a body "drier" and highly ribbed.

3. Enhancement of bone density - reduction of bone Injuries

As a person gets older the bone density decreases.

Imagine now having to deal with a huge amount of wear and tear from continuous, tedious and very hard workouts with huge weight lifting.

Injuries (bone crackings, or fractures) are common in bodybuilding, as well as in other sports.

Using MK-677, users appear to have enhanced levels of osteocalcin, a protein hormone playing an important role in bone formation and health.

SARM MK-677 promotes the release of a larger amount of growth hormone in the organism, stimulating osteoblasts in the body (the cells are mainly responsible for the formation of new bones).

It is not a coincidence that Ibutamoren was developed as a treatment (among other things)

for serious diseases and health problems) for osteoporosis.

4. Minimization of muscle damage and losses

With the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren, you can manage to reduce to a minimum the muscle damage and losses usually occurring in the cutting phase, i.e. in the effort to eliminate body fat.

With this particular drug, you will not only reduce the resulting muscle damage, but you will also significantly boost your energy levels so that you do not feel you are "running out" of strength in your exhausting workouts.

5. Improvement of athletic performance

Anyone who asks users about their experience with the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren will tell you - first - that what you are experiencing for the most part is a shocking boost to your athletic performance.

Endurance - Physical Strength - Inexhaustible Energy

This results in more frequent, dynamic and extreme workouts, and therefore increasingly more impressive physical benefits.

All of this relates to the property of SARM MK-677 to enhance the release of growth hormone (HGH).

It is also associated with its active force to improve the oxygen uptake by the muscles significantly.

6. Significant reduction on the impact following nitrogen waste

The MK-677 manages - in addition to the other benefits - to contribute dynamically to the reversal of nitrogen waste in the body.

This condition - which is described by the secretion of higher nitrogen consumed than that received - is called catabolism and leads to a systematic loss of muscle and fat over time.

SARM MK-677 manages to restore the nitrogen balance in the body, thus minimizing muscle loss and facilitating the rebuilding of strong lean muscle mass.

7. Enhancement of body volume

Reconstructing muscle mass in the body, in addition to a demanding training program requires proper and adequate nutrition.

The mistake many people make is the significant reduction of their caloric intake for eliminating body fat.

However, this does not always have the desired results…

SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren – imitating the hunger hormone ghrelin - tends to increase the user's appetite, leading to consumption of more calories, necessary for building body volume and balancing the energy reserves.

8. Improvement of skin quality

This is one of the major benefits of using the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren; nevertheless, many people are unaware of it.

This unique medicine helps in easier and faster healing of various wounds or skin scars, due to the increase in growth hormone production caused by MK-677.

Growth hormone enhances cell regeneration and protection, promoting increased production of collagen, which works therapeutically in any injury (skin, bone, ligament or tendon).

Scientific research shows that SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren due to the enhancement of growth hormone caused by it can lead to an increase in skin thickness by up to 7.1%

9. Enhancement of the nootropic benefits

Furthermore, as already mentioned at the beginning of our article, the SARM Ibutamoren can also offer significant benefits to the organism, in terms of cognitive brain functions, due to the nature of Ibutamoren's chemical, working in a very specific area of ​​the brain associated with these capabilities, as well as with the individual's emotional world.

Memory - Perception - Understanding - Motivation - Creativity - Ability to solve problems - Cognitive capability

10. Improvement (qualitative and quantitative) of sleep

One of the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren many benefits - which can greatly enhance your training - is the improvement of sleep - both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Those who engage in a "demanding" and tedious sport such as bodybuilding know very well the importance of good sleep.

A good duration, but above all a good quality and restful sleep, can help the body grow smoothly, regenerate its damaged cells and stay fully functional and healthy.

We should not forget that good sleep is a key building block and a prerequisite for a generally healthy body, a strong immune system and hormonal balance.

In addition, it is a secret of good psychology and longevity.

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Some more important benefits of using Ibutamoren

  • fights the sexual dysfunction
  • enhances the normal renal function
  • improves skin elasticity/anti-ageing
  • Strengthens the immune function of the organism
  • controls bad cholesterol (LDL) levels
  • fights depression and other psychological disorders
  • fights degenerative diseases of the brain (such as dementia or Alzheimer's disease)
  • fights insufficient growth hormone production

Specifically, SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren is usually prescribed (after the required medical examinations) to fight specific diseases and health complications.

Legislation on the use/purchase/sale of the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren varies from country to country, so it is a good idea to find out the relevant information from the appropriate body.

What is certain is that it has not yet received FDA approval for free (and therefore long-term) use, as the long-term effects of this active substance remain unknown.

SARM MK-677 - Half-life time

This particular SARM has a long half-life, another important reason for being so popular in bodybuilding.

With a half-life of 24 hours, it requires only one (1) dose per day to maintain its anabolic effect.

The right time for the Administration of the Dose

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(credit: PR)

As mentioned earlier, the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren is administered only once a day (due to its long half-life).

However, what is the best time of the day for the administration of the dose?

How do I get the most out of my training?

SARM MK-677 users advise the following: The best time to take your dose is in the morning, and specifically during breakfast.

However, if you are not the type to eat breakfast, then you can take Ibutamoren without any problems at night before bed.


People with anorexia nervosa prefer to take SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren shortly before bedtime.

Due to the large increase in appetite caused by this SARM, some users prefer the evening dose to avoid consuming extra unnecessary calories.

This certainly presupposes that they follow an even and well-structured diet plan throughout their day.

SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren - How is its cycle

There are no clear instructions on how to use Ibutamoren for sports purposes.

The FDA has not approved long-term use of the drug (as required for its athletic use in bodybuilding or other "heavy" sports).

Therefore, CAUTION. The instructions given below are not based on scientific data and clinical research, but on empirical data resulting from reviews of illegal users of this chemical.

Let's start by saying that the MK-677 Ibutamoren is a SARM with a high half-life, taken only once a day.

In addition, its strong chemical structure allows its use in relatively low quantities with very satisfactory physical benefits.

Small doses prevent strong and dangerous side effects.

In general, the users of SARM MK-677 mentioned dosages ranging from ten (10) to thirty (30) mg per day, with a predominant amount of twenty (20) to thirty (30) mg.

In addition, an MK-677 cycle typically lasts from eight (8) to fourteen (14) weeks for male users, and from six (6) to eight (8) weeks for female SARM users.

Ideally take about thirty (30) - fourty (40) minutes before training, in the morning with breakfast for those who choose morning training or respectively in the evening for those with evening training.

Nevertheless, let's see in a more detailed and analytic way, how the cycles move with the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren.

First Mode (MK-677 Beginners Cycle)

The first cycle of using any SARM or anabolic steroid should be the most "conservative" and restrained.

Start using MK-677 with a low dose of ten (10) mg, once a day (at a time it suits best your program).

Ideally follow a cycle of about eleven (11) weeks with the low dose, and then (if you can) increase the dose to twenty (20) to twenty five (25) mg for the twelfth (12th) week of the cycle.

A beginner cycle should not be extended for more than twelve (12) weeks.

Second Mode (MK-677 Conservative Cycle)

This way you can get a relatively moderate (but very effective) dose of fifteen (15) mg per day.

This dose prevents pituitary problems or other side effects that come with high doses of the known SARM.

If you follow a cycle of thirteen (13) or fourteen (14) weeks you continue with the dosage of fifteen (15) mg per day.

Third Mode (MK-677 Cycle for experienced Bodybuilders)

Most experienced bodybuilders opt for higher doses of the SARM MK-677, but for a shorter cycle.

Therefore, we refer to a cycle of eight (8) weeks (instead of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) weeks allowing a lower dosage).

Experienced athletes seem to follow high doses ranging between fourty (40) and fifty (50) mg per day, a very high dose likely to be accompanied by several serious side effects.

Fourth Mode (MK-677 Cycle for great muscle reconstruction)

If you want to have big muscle gains but you do not want to follow a "heavy" cycle like that of the experienced bodybuilders, then you can choose a dosage of thirty (30) mg per day for a cycle lasting eight (8) weeks.

With a dose as high as this one (and unless you are "experienced" in the use of such substances) we recommend that you do not exceed eight (8) weeks in any case.

Fifth Mode (MK-677 Cycle for Cutting)

If you are aiming at fat burning and "drying" of the body, then you can choose a cycle with a dosage of twenty (20) mg per day.

This is a very efficient cutting cycle followed by many professionals in the field.

Sixth Mode (MK-677 Injury Treatment Cycle)

As we mentioned, the nature of this SARM as a medicine promotes the repair of damaged tissues, the healing of wounds and injuries, as well as the regeneration of cells (muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones).

All this is due to the increased release of growth hormone achieved in the user's organism.

It is therefore very natural to use it often as a cycle for wound healing.

In this case, a low dose between ten (10) and twenty (20) mg per day is recommended.

Will I Need a Treatment Cycle (PCT) following an Ibutamoren Cycle?

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As SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren is not one of the most "destructive" chemicals in the organic hormonal balance, it may not need a PCT after its cycle.

Certainly, this also depends on the respective organism, as well as on the dosage followed.

Low doses may not cause side effects, which is not the case as the doses increase in mg.

Ibutamoren does not affect the natural production of the hormone testosterone and does not cause the extensive side effects of other SARMs or anabolic steroids.

Many even tend to use it as a PCT cycle after a "heavy" cycle of anabolic steroids, as a treatment and rehabilitation.

It can even be administered from the beginning of a cycle with another SARM in combination as a treatment cycle (PCT).

For example, if you follow a RAD-140 cycle, you can take Ibutamoren MK-677 in combination, from the very first week of the cycle for achieving improved maintenance of your muscle gains.

Stacks with Ibutamoren MK-677

The Sarms that Ibutamoren is commonly used to stack with, are:

Does it cause side effects?

Yes. The SARM MK-677 is not considered a safe chemical for sports use and has not been approved by the FDA.

Some of the common side effects (as reported by users) are listed below:

  • Lethargy
  • muscle pain
  • joint pain
  • reduced insulin sensitivity
  • increased feeling of hunger
  • water retention and swelling

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Is There a legal alternative to SARM MK-677?

Yes, there is. IBUTALEAN is a 100% natural alternative to the well-known SARM Ibutamoren, a product of the company Brutal Force preparing natural strengthening supplements for bodybuilding and weightlifting.

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IBUTALEAN – What it does

  • enhances the reconstruction of lean muscle mass
  • fights inflammation
  • Helps in speedy recovery from injuries
  • promotes fat loss

IBUTALEAN – Composition

  • Maca (Lepidium meyenii) [root] Powder 200 mg
  • Hawthorn Berry (Cralaegus Pinnatifida) [leaf] Extract [standardized to contain 2% Vitexin] 150 mg
  • Mucuna pruriens [seed] Extract 4: 1 150 mg
  • L-Arginine 20 mg

The RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) is set at three (3) capsules per day, along with plenty of water.

Ideally take (all three (3) capsules together in one (1) dose) about 20 minutes before breakfast.

IBUTALEAN - Treatment Cycle (PCT) 

No treatment cycle is required for IBUTALEAN.

Its 100% natural composition does not interfere at all with the hormonal balance of the organism and does not cause any side effects at all.

Recommended administration time

The company recommends administration for a minimum of two (2) months, to see real benefits.

IBUTALEAN - Purchase and Price

- One (1) package costs USD59.99 + FREE worldwide shipping

- Two (2) packages + one (1) additional package FREE cost USD119.98 (from the initial price of USD239.97) + FREE worldwide shipping

Conclusion on the use of SARM Ibutamoren (MK-677)

The truth is that the SARM MK-677 Ibutamoren can offer real and very remarkable benefits, especially to a "hard sport" athlete (such as bodybuilding, weightlifting or MMA fighting athletes).

It is not a coincidence, then, that - despite being a strictly banned substance - it is extremely popular in sports.

Enhancing the release of growth hormone is an important aid in muscle reconstruction, but also in recovery after intense and demanding training.

You can purchase Ibutamoren online for sports use but from illegal sellers, and always with a high risk of getting a fake and dangerous batch of pills.

Our proposal clearly does not include the use of illegal substances.

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(credit: PR)

Therefore, we suggest you the closest legal version to Ibutamoren, the Legal SARM IBUTALEAN of the world-famous company Brutal Force.

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