Ostarine (MK-2866) SARM: Alternatives, Results, Side Effects & Dosage

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(photo credit: PR)

If you are involved with bodybuilding then you know about Ostarine (MK-2866).

It is one of the most popular muscle strengthening and bulking products, a favorite supplement of bodybuilders everywhere, even today (now described as a "banned and illegal substance").

Ostarine (MK-2866) is a member of the SARM family (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators).

First, let's see what this means for your body, your workouts or your health.

Click Here To Buy The Best Legal Ostarine Alternative

Ostarine (MK-2866)? – What it is - How to use it

Ostarine – as already mentioned - is a synthetic muscle strengthening supplement classified in the category of SARMs, also well known under the brand name Enobosarm.

Ostarine was originally created for pharmaceutical/medical use.

Created and developed by GTx  Inc. to fight diseases causing muscle loss (such as osteoporosis or various cancers) and only available by prescription (strictly for therapeutic purposes).

However, as its ability to increase lean muscle mass & promote the burning of body fat became broadly known - as expected - was used as a supplement in bodybuilding.

This chemical preparation continues to be under the microscope of scientists trying to investigate its active force and the possible effects (side effects) resulting from its systemic use.

In conclusion, the over-the-counter use of Ostarine (MK-2866) is by no means legal.

Its use for medical purposes is allowed only with a prescription, while its use for sports purposes remains strictly banned.

As long as it is under continuous clinical investigations, any inappropriate use of the preparation Ostarine MK-2866 remains prohibited and illegal, while the competent bodies prosecute it during the official sports events.

The History of Ostarine (MK-2866) in the course of the Years

Product of GTx Inc. for the treatment of diseases causing muscle atrophy or muscle loss, Ostarine was the "pride" of the company, which spent a huge amount of money (35 million) on its research and development.

However, as the research progressed, and while the first data were very encouraging, Ostarine (MK-2866) failed in two (2) important test phases in 2013, resulting in its exclusion from legal circulation.

Finally, in 2018, it failed again in the ASTRID pilot phase, while it turned out that it may be able to bring results in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women.

Ostarine: Why do bodybuilders "love" it?

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First reason: Mass Muscle Benefits

The most important reason that Ostarine spread so fast and managed to become so popular in bodybuilding is its action in preserving lean muscle mass.

This was the reason that many believed this chemical product would be capable of huge muscular benefits in bodybuilding.

Nevertheless, what was finally  true?

The truth is that the action of Ostarine is quite similar to that of an anabolic steroid, and it can really help to achieve a significant muscle rebuild in the body.

Although it is not an anabolic steroid and does not cause so many side effects, it is not going to be dangerous to health.

This is also the reason its use remains strictly banned to this day.

Second reason: Extensive fat burning

In addition to muscle rebuilding, this popular SARM also offers an enhanced metabolic function in the body, which in turn leads to extensive fat loss.

Fat burning is a must-have for any bodybuilder looking for a completely "dry", muscular and ripped body.

Third reason: Prevention of muscle waste

Ostarine (MK-2866) is certainly a product offering every bodybuilder protection against muscle waste.

The collateral loss of lean muscle mass is a great fear for any athlete aiming at a strong, muscular mad slim body.

Therefore, it would not be possible for a product such as Ostarine (MK-2866) - designed specifically to fight muscle loss - not to attract the interest of the bodybuilding community.

Click Here To Buy The Best Legal Ostarine Alternative

Nevertheless, is the use of SARM Ostarine (MK-2866) legal?

Only from 2020, the use of Ostarine (MK-2866) was allowed exclusively for medical/therapeutic purposes, and surely - only with a prescription and continuous medical monitoring.

Note that this is not yet the case in Australia, where the use of this SARM remains banned for both sporting and medical purposes.

At this point, we should refer to the sports field more specifically, as there is the largest (and in fact illegal) use of this drug.

Ostarine is a powerful synthetic product that - even now - is under investigation, for its strong action, but mainly for the damage that its use can cause to the organism.

However, why then in most countries of the world was approval for medical purposes and not for sports?

The answer - as absurd as it might sound at first - is extremely simple and perfectly logical.

The use of such substances in bodybuilding requires long periods for achieving the desired physical benefits.

In any case, such a long-term use of this powerful chemical is not yet clear what damage it can cause to the organism (permanent or temporary, short or long-term).

For this reason, Ostarine (MK-2866) has been included in the list of the most dangerous substances and its use is strictly banned by almost all official sporting events around the world.

Competent organizations around the world undertake the detection of athletes using illegal substances (such as Ostarine) and impose the sanctions defined by the current legislation of the country.

These organizations are:

On the above websites, you can be informed about all the applicable regulations.

What possible Benefits - Results I have using the SARM Ostarine (MK-2866)?

Prior to listing the benefits –I have to explain why I mention "potential" benefits and not clear benefits from the use of popular SARM.

It is almost impossible (and absurd) to talk about clear benefits when using a chemical that (even today) is under investigation.

Therefore, the benefits to be mentioned below do not come from any formal research or clinical study.

They come from the personal experiences of Ostarine users (MK-2866) where it is not possible to know the exact conditions of use.

However, most users of SARM MK-2866 report the following physical benefits:

  • selective anabolic action towards muscle and bone tissues
  • increase of the organism’s metabolic function 
  • rapid reduction of excess body fat (even the most stubborn)
  • increase of bone density and reduction of fractures’ risk, or related injuries
  • fight/prevent osteoporosis
  • reduction of muscle waste risk
  • huge increase of lean muscle mass
  • treatment of diabetes
  • lowering blood glucose levels and improving insulin sensitivity
  • maintaining muscle mass

It is worth emphasizing, however, that the above benefits do not come from official scientific research and cannot lead to safe conclusions about the chemical Ostarin and its action.

Is Ostarine (MK-2866) a Better Choice than an Anabolic Steroid?

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(credit: PR)

We have to remember that anabolic steroids and SARMs remain banned for sports use in most countries of the world.

However, SARMs are generally a new and more advanced form of the old and popular anabolic steroids.

This means that SARMs - as their name suggests - are chemicals working in a select range (unlike the anabolics working in a broader range) in the organism.

Below, we see in more detail what this implies, along with the differences towards the organism.

The Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) function in a manner similar to that of androgenic drugs, however with a very important difference.

While SARMs are quite similar to androgenic drugs (anabolic steroids) in structure and action, their action is much more selective, entailing fewer side effects and damage.

However, to better understand the differences between a selective modulator (SARM) and an anabolic steroid let's look at how a SARM works (compared to a steroid), in the first phase.

SARMs are chemicals that work based on your body's hormones, meaning they work much like steroids (ensuring similar athletic and other physical benefits).

Hormones play a huge role in the overall health and function of your organism, acting as intermediaries conveying messages to the body's cells.

It is therefore no coincidence that the use of steroids leads to side effects directly related to the hormonal state of the body (acne, developed hair growth, alopecia, gynecomastia, erectile dysfunction, infertility, etc.).

The difference between SARMs and androgenic anabolic steroids is that they work selectively, with a more targeted action on the body's muscle and bone tissues, reducing (at least as far as scientific research has shown) the damage to other tissues in the body (such as the liver, brain, prostate or kidneys).

In the second phase we have to highlight another major strength of SARMs versus the anabolic steroids, not suppressing the natural production of the male hormone testosterone, practically meaning that after a cycle with a SARM it will be much easier (and without side effects) to restore the hormonal balance of your organism.

This difference between SARMs and anabolic steroids is that they do not convert to estrogen or DHT (DiHydroTestosterone).

en and only then) we recommend using a SARM instead of an anabolic steroid.

Our legal proposal

Certainly, our suggestion would never be the use of an anabolic steroid, nor a SARM like Ostarine, but the use of a legal and non-prescription supplement, a legal product, an alternative to the well-known SARM Ostarine.

Brutal Force's OstaBulk supplement offers results similar to those of SARM Ostarine, however with absolutely no risk of side effects or health complications.

To Visit the OstaBulk Official Website CLICK HERE

How Ostarine (MK-2866) Works?

SARM MK-2866 Ostarine works in the organism by synergistically combining protein.

This is a complex process of the organism, reminiscent of the natural process of anabolism, requiring large amounts of energy, for covering the SARM MK-2866 Ostarine, in this case.

This is done by pushing the protein in the organism to "work" more systematically, resulting in greater training gains.

The boosted energy levels in turn, result in higher levels of endurance during hard workouts.

Nevertheless, workouts that are more efficient bring (again) more spectacular physical benefits.

With SARM MK-2866 Ostarine the organism works to the maximum by burning every unnecessary gram of fat and producing beneficial energy not allowing you to feel tired (physically, mentally or emotionally).

SARM Ostarine - Recommended Dosage

As a non-approved medicinal product, SARM Ostarine MK-2866 does not have any official instructions for its use, or the dosage for use.

However - based on the personal reviews of many of its users - usually use it in small quantities, because it is a very "hard" chemical giving significant results in small doses.

More specifically, we would limit the ideal (if we can call it that for an illegal product) use of SARM Ostarine at about 10 mg per day.

This dose is a bit low for reducing the side effects and for giving consistent and significant results to the body.

Many fanatic users move to higher doses ranging between 10 and 30 mg per day.

In no case, however, do we recommend the use of a daily dose exceeding 30 mg.

How do I adjust my dose?

The dosage that you will follow in a cycle with SARM Ostarine should be suitable for your needs, meaning that in case you are a new user, you should definitely start with the minimum dosage.

In this way, you will reduce and prevent any side effects, while you will give yourself the opportunity to adapt to this powerful chemical more smoothly.

The dosage should be increased gradually.

We would suggest that you do not exceed 20 mg, considered as a very strong dosage giving very spectacular physical benefits.

After all, even most professional bodybuilders follow this dosage, which is very high but relatively safe.

From 20 to 30 mg the dose is very high, considered quite dangerous for side effects (especially for a new user).

Any dose above 30 mg is categorically contraindicated.

SARM Ostarine – Ideal duration of a cycle

Again, as there is no official instruction for the use of this product, we will limit our discussion on any user’s advice.

Generally, a cycle with SARM Ostarine should ideally last from six (6) to eight (8) weeks, not less, not more.

A smaller cycle may not lead you to your desired goal, while a larger cycle is extremely likely to cause a large number of adverse reactions and side effects in your organism.

Even very demanding professional bodybuilders do not exceed a maximum cycle of 10 weeks.

Is a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) necessary after a Cycle with SARM Ostarine?

Many people think they do not need Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), since Ostarine is not an anabolic steroid but a SARM.

Nevertheless, this is not true.

For those who are young and do not know what PCT is, let me mention that this is a new cycle of treatment after the use of steroids or some SARMs aims to reorganize the organism's hormones.

Ostarine is generally one of the mildest SARMs that are indeed a fact.

However, this does not mean that PCT is not necessary after the end of its cycle.

Depending on the organism there are people who will show hormonal changes even with very mild SARMs (such as Ostarine).

Unlike many people's beliefs about Ostarine, it works as a natural testosterone suppressant… although not as effective as an anabolic steroid.

Nevertheless, it causes a noticeable drop in testosterone levels.

Some people may not even need a PCT. Levels gradually return to natural values within a few weeks (one (1) to two (2) months).

However, there are cases where the organism may be affected more significantly by the use of SARM Ostarine, resulting in the need for a PCT treatment cycle to restore their hormonal balance.

How to do a proper PCT Cycle after an Ostarine Cycle

If you find that your use of SARM Ostarine causes severe testosterone suppression, then you should apply a PCT to your program.

The recommended dosage is determined, depending on the level of sedation shown.

One suggestion for PCT that is quite popular after an Ostarine cycle is Nolvadex.

However, let's see what a PCT cycle with Nolvadex should look like (after a cycle with SARM Ostarine).

If a proper Ostarine cycle lasts from six (6) to eight (8) weeks, let's say the first six (6) weeks belong to the SARM Ostarine cycle. 

Therefore, from the sixth (6th) week onwards (until the 8th week) you start to apply Nolvadex.

For a mild to moderate suppression of testosterone we would recommend a dose of 10 mg Nolvadex per day.

You can continue in this mild dosage until the 10th week.

Nevertheless, if you have a greater suppression of your testosterone production, then we would suggest a higher dosage (40 mg per day) for the period between the sixth (6th) and the (eighth) 8th week.

Then - and since 40 mg is a very high dose - we recommend reducing the dose to 20 mg per day for the period between the 8th and 10th week of the cycle.

Caution - Do not forget that at any time, you experience side effects or other effects should immediately discontinue the treatment and consult a doctor.

Both SARM Ostarine and PCT Nolvadex are powerful chemicals that can be fatal when misused.

Note: Starting a PCT cycle (with Nolvadex, or any other product) at week 8, stop the cycle with SARM Ostarine.

Why should I prefer Nolvadex to Clomid for a PCT after an Ostarine Cycle?

Clomid - like Nolvadex - is another very popular choice for hormonal recovery after a weak cycle with SARM Ostarine.

However, many Clomid users have reported several serious side effects of depression after a course of treatment.

Do I face any Risk for Side Effects using SARM Ostarine?

As already mentioned, SARM Ostarine is a more "friendly" choice against anabolic steroids.

In any case, even this is not completely "innocent", in fact, everything else.

The side effects caused (due to its selective action) may not be as extensive or serious as those of a steroid may, but they are also quite significant and dangerous.

Below, some of the most common side effects reported after a cycle with SARM Ostarine:

We in no way recommend the use of banned substances such as SARM Ostarine.

However, since its action is milder and measured compared to that of anabolic steroids, it is a "safer" solution for those insisting on such an extreme and illegal solution.

Before and after Ostarine MK-2866

SARM Ostarine usually ends up with people with excess body fat, wishing a fast and efficient shredding in their body.

However, the effects of a cycle with Ostarine cannot be predetermined.

The results are different in each person, due to the respective organism and the way the medicine was administered. 

Examples of friends who have used Ostarine have mentioned the following benefits…

  • Loss of body fat at a rate of about 3 to 5%.
  • Increase in lean muscle mass by 4 to 6 kg of muscle.

How do I benefit the most from Ostarine MK-2866?

  • By a hard and systematic training
  • via a clean diet
  • with good and quality sleep
  • by training even outside the cycle

Is There a Legal Alternative to the SARM MK-2866 Ostarine?

There is a legal dietary supplement in capsule form (for oral use) imitating the action of SARM Ostarine MK-2866, with the ability to rebuild muscle mass, and achieve rapid and targeted burning of body fat.

This is the OstaBulk supplement, a product of the company Brutal Force.

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(credit: PR)

OstaBulk by Brutal Force – What it is

It is a non-synthetic legal dietary supplement for oral use, not requiring injections and neither being toxic/addictive/dangerous, an all-natural supplement that - like the corresponding SARM Ostarine MK-2866 - aims to enhance athletic gains from training.

  • increased energy
  • enhanced athletic performance/endurance/physical strength
  • increased muscle gains
  • targeted fat loss
  • enhanced testosterone levels
  • focus
  • rapid recovery

It is a 100% legal dietary supplement free to purchase simply through the internet.

To Visit the OstaBulk official website CLICK HERE

OstaBulk – How to use it

Its use is extremely simple. The RDD (Recommended Daily Dose) according to the company's instructions is three (3) capsules per day.

Each pack of OstaBulk contains 90 capsules sufficient for 30 days of intensive treatment (one (1) month).

All three (3) capsules administered in one (1) dose, ideally about 20 minutes before breakfast.

Reasons to select OstaBulk to Ostarine

  • it is a legal non-synthetic supplement
  • it does not cause any side effects
  • it is not addictive
  • not detected in special tests
  • it does not disturb the hormonal balance
  • it does not cause infertility
  • it is made in the USA in approved and certified factories
  • not requiring a PCT
  • it provides results almost equivalent to those of the known SARM

Ostarine MK-2866 Final Conclusion

If you ask me if SARM Ostarine is effective, then I will definitely say "Yes".

My recommendation is more natural options, not involving serious health risks.

My suggestion is the natural supplement OstaBulk of the company of natural supplements for bodybuilding "Brutal Force".

For me, it is an ideal choice, as it can give very positive results (maybe not the same as Ostarine), and mostly without side effects.

Zero side effects/dangers/risks.

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