Vintage Muscle Reviews - Do These Hyped Muscle Supplements Work?

“Vintage muscle reviews claim everything from rapid lean muscle mass gains to energy surges. But what's inside these supplements? We find out.”

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

If you are keen to stay fit and look buff, then you might bounce into Vintage muscle reviews which claim that this product is an excellent dietary supplement for men who are looking to amplify their bodybuilding performance and gain lean mass.

It promises to help you bulk up quickly while also providing you with the energy you need to work out for longer periods of time. But do these claims really hold up?

Muscle building supplements are not novel. But it's a thin line that differentiates an average supplement from a risky one. This Vintage Muscle review will take a closer, unbiased look at the product to see if it can meet the high standards it set for itself.

Best Alternatives to Vintage Muscle

  • CrazyBulkBest Legal Alternative to Vintage Muscle

What is Vintage Muscle?

Vintage Muscle is marketed as a dietary supplement that can help older men achieve their fitness goals by providing them with the hormonal support they need. The website also claims that the product is safe and effective for use.

Vintage Muscle was created by Jared Van Yperen, an entrepreneur as a solution for what he saw as a problem in the supplement industry. There was a lack of safe and effective products that could help men over the age of 35 achieve their fitness goals.

Jared wanted to create a product that would be safe for men to use and would provide them with the results they were looking for. Or so they claim.

The Vintage Muscle website claims that the product can help men:

  • Build muscle
  • Lose fat
  • Increase energy
  • Boost testosterone

What are the top Vintage Muscle products?

Vintage Muscle manufactures a range of different supplements, all of which are designed to support different aspects of male health. The main Vintage Muscle products are combos or Vintage muscle stacks.

  • Alpha Test Stack - A combination of Methyl Test and Epi Test
  • RAD Mass Stack - A combination of Methyl Test and RAD Mass
  • Anabolic Shred Stack - A combination of CLEN XT50 and Androgenin
  • 19 NOR Stack - A combo of Nitric OX50 and 19nor DHEA
  • 1-Anadrol Stack - A combo of Methyl Test and 1-Anadrol
  • GH Soma Stack - A combo of GH Vital and GH-Soma

All of these products are designed to support different aspects of male health, from increasing muscle mass to boosting testosterone levels. But take a good look at those names. Do they ring a bell? If they don't, we will explain in a bit.

How does Vintage Muscle claim to work?

Vintage Muscle works by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to support optimal hormone production. The website claims that the products can build muscle, lose fat, and increase their energy levels to name a few.

Here's a more detailed look at what they claim.

Build Lean Muscle Mass

As you age, it gets harder to build muscle mass. This is because your body's testosterone levels start to decline. Vintage Muscle claims that their products can help increase your testosterone levels, which will in turn help you build lean muscle mass.

But there's no clarity on what the ingredients in Vintage Muscle are actually supposed to do. The website just says that the product contains "a proprietary blend of ingredients that support optimal hormone production."

We'll take a closer look at the ingredients in Vintage Muscle later on in this review.

Lose Fat - Vintage Muscle also claims that their products can help you lose fat. If you are struggling to lose weight, then this might be an appealing claim.

The website says that the product can help you lose fat by increasing your metabolism and by reducing your appetite. Again, there is no mention of what ingredients are actually responsible for these effects.

Increase Energy - Do you find it hard to get through your workout? Do you feel tired all the time? Vintage Muscle claims that their products can help increase your energy levels.

The website says that the product can help you increase your energy levels by improving your blood circulation and by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to produce energy.

Pumps that last all day - Don't you hate when those post-workout pumps fade away? Vintage Muscle claims that their product can help you get longer lasting pumps.

The website says that the product can help you get longer lasting pumps by increasing your nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is a molecule that helps to dilate your blood vessels, which in turn can lead to improved blood flow and longer lasting pumps.

Rapid anabolic steroid like results - None of the above mentioned claims are too far fetched. But this one is. Vintage Muscle claims that their product can give you "rapid anabolic steroid like results."

This is a huge claim. And it's not backed up by anything on the website. In fact, the website doesn't even mention what ingredients are responsible for these supposed effects.

So, what's in Vintage Muscle?

What are the ingredients in Vintage Muscle?

The main ingredients in Vintage Muscle are:

  • Methyl test
  • Epi test
  • RAD mass
  • Androgenin
  • 19nor DHEA
  • 1-Anadrol

In case you are not familiar with these, then here's the deal. These are prohormones.

Well, most of them are. Prohormones are compounds that can be converted into hormones in the body. Androgens, like testosterone, are hormones that are responsible for the development of male characteristics, like muscle mass and facial hair.

So, by taking a prohormone supplement, you are essentially giving your body the building blocks it needs to produce more testosterone. But there's a catch. Prohormones are dangerous. Since they are modified for oral consumption, they can easily damage your liver.

And, as we will explain in more detail later on, they are also illegal.

Does Vintage Muscle work?

Oh, it surely will. That's because most of their supplements contain prohormones or designer anabolic steroids. But, as we will explain in the next section, these are dangerous and illegal substances. So, while Vintage Muscle might help you build muscle mass, it's not worth the risk.

Prohormones can cause a bevy of side effects

Prohormones can cause a wide range of side effects, including:

  • Liver damage
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Increased aggression
  • Decreased libido
  • Gynecomastia (man boobs)
  • Prostate enlargement

These are just some of the more common side effects. Prohormones can also cause more serious side effects, like heart attacks and strokes.

So, if you are thinking about taking a prohormone supplement, then you should really reconsider. The risks just aren't worth it.

Prohormones are also illegal

In 2014, the US Congress passed a law that made it illegal to sell or possess prohormones.

This means that, if you are caught with a prohormone supplement, then you could be facing some serious legal consequences.

It can shut you down permanently

Prohormones can shut down your natural testosterone production.

Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics, like muscle mass and facial hair. When you take a prohormone supplement, your body will stop producing testosterone in order to compensate for the extra testosterone that it's getting from the supplement.

This can lead to some serious side effects, like:

  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Fat gain
  • Gynecomastia (man boobs)
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility

And, if you continue taking prohormones for a long period of time, then your body may never start producing testosterone again.

You will need to PCT

If you wish to keep your gains, then you will need to do a post cycle therapy (PCT).

PCT is a treatment that is used to jump start your natural testosterone production. Without it, you will most likely lose all of your gains.

And, even if you do PCT, there's no guarantee that your natural testosterone production will restore to its prior levels. You might need testosterone replacement therapy for life.

Vintage Muscle Cost

Depending on the stack you choose, Vintage Muscle products can cost from $65 to $100 and more for a one-month supply. That's a lot of money to spend on something that is illegal and potentially dangerous.

Conclusion - Is Vintage Muscle worth it?

No, we don't think so. Vintage Muscle is a company selling questionable supplements such as alpha test stack capsules, alpha test stack, and muscle support stack. They advertise it as a fast acting liquid supplement.

But if you take a look at the supplement facts label, or even just check the supplement categories, you will get a fair idea that these are made with prohormones, which are illegal and dangerous substances. They can cause a wide range of side effects, including liver damage, hormone imbalance, and erectile dysfunction.

Many of their supplements contain SARMS. The natural testosterone boosters on their website contain terribly low doses of mediocre ingredients. So we don't think you're going to get much out of them.

You're better off spending your money on a legal and safe alternative, like CrazyBulk or Brutal Force.

#1 - CrazyBulk - A Safe and Legal Alternative to Vintage Muscle

Credit: PR
Credit: PR

If you're looking for a safe and legal alternative to Vintage Muscle, then we recommend CrazyBulk instead. CrazyBulk is a supplement company selling proprietary products that help you get in the best shape of your life without negatively affecting hormone levels.

None of these are steroid analogues and hence, you do not need to do hormone panels before you begin to use them. They will help you build muscle and burn body fat at a much quicker rate than what's possible naturally. 

What are the top CrazyBulk products?

CrazyBulk offers a range of products, but their core offerings are:

D-Bal - A safe and legal alternative to Dianabol, which is an anabolic steroid. D-Bal helps increase protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and blood flow. All of these lead to more muscle growth.

Anvarol - A safe and legal alternative to Anavar. Anvarol helps increase phosphocreatine levels, which leads to more ATP production. ATP is the energy molecule that allows your muscles to contract.

Clenbutrol - A safe and legal alternative to Clenbuterol. Clenbutrol helps you lose fat by increasing your internal temperature and by mimicking the thermogenic effects of ephedrine.

They also offer stacks by the way.

The CrazyBulk Bulking Stack - The CrazyBulk Bulking Stack comes with 4 products:

  • D-Bal
  • Decaduro
  • Testo-Max
  • Trenorol

The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack - The CrazyBulk Cutting Stack comes with 4 products:

  • Anvarol
  • Clenbutrol
  • Winsol
  • Testo-Max

The CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack - The CrazyBulk Ultimate Stack comes with 6 products:

  • D-Bal
  • Decaduro
  • Trenorol
  • Anvarol
  • Clenbutrol
  • Testo-Max

Each stack contains enough product for a 4-week cycle. And, each product comes with a full money-back guarantee.

How do CrazyBulk products work?

CrazyBulk's products are called Legal Steroids. Don't get confused by the word 'steroids'. Crazy Bulk's Legal Steroids do not contain any steroids.

They are made with all-natural ingredients that help you achieve similar results to what's possible with anabolic steroids, but without any of the side effects.

For example, their product D-Bal is a safe and legal alternative to Dianabol. Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that helps you build muscle and strength quickly. But it also comes with a host of nasty side effects, like liver damage, hormone imbalance, and erectile dysfunction.

D-Bal, on the other hand, is made with natural ingredients that help increase protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. This leads to more muscle growth. But because it's made with natural ingredients, it does not come with any of the side effects of Dianabol.

The same can be said for all of Crazy Bulk's products. They are made with natural ingredients that help you achieve similar results to what's possible with anabolic steroids, but without any of the side effects, unlike alpha test stack or rad mass stack.

CrazyBulk Pricing

CrazyBulk's products are bestsellers that are priced from $58 to $70 per bottle. They offer a buy 2 get 1 free deal on all products, and they also offer stacks which are priced at $179.99.

Click here to Visit Crazybulk Official Website for the Best Price

The Bottom Line - Is CrazyBulk better than Vintage Muscle?

Yes, CrazyBulk is a better choice than Vintage Muscle. CrazyBulk's products are made with natural ingredients that help you achieve similar results to what's possible with anabolic steroids, but without any of the side effects.

They are also priced reasonably, and they offer a buy 2 get 1 free deal on all products. Each product also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

#2 - Brutal Force - Build a Better Body Without The Risks

Credit: PR
Credit: PR

Brutal Force is a reasonably new entrant in the world of natural anabolic supplements. It is a safe and legal alternative to steroids that can help you bulk up quickly without any of the nasty side effects that come with steroid use.

Their supplements are designed to help you gain lean muscle mass, increase strength and power, and improve your overall athletic performance. Each supplement contains a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients that work together to give you the best results possible.

What are the top Brutal Force Products?

Just like any other supplement company, Brutal Force has a range of products that are designed to meet different needs. Here is a quick look at some of their most popular products:

  1. DBulk- This is their flagship mass gainer supplement. It is designed to help you bulk up quickly and safely by increasing your calorie intake and helping your muscles recover faster from workouts.
  2. ABulk- This is their natural alternative to the steroid Anadrol. It is designed to help you increase strength, power, and size.
  3. SBulk- This is their natural alternative to the steroid Testosterone. It is designed to help you increase strength, power, and muscle mass.
  4. CCut- This is their natural fat burner supplement that works like Clenbutrol. It is designed to help you burn fat quickly and safely by increasing your metabolism and reducing your appetite.

They also offer stacks which are combinations of their different products that are designed to meet specific goals. For example, they have a Bulking Stack which combines Dbulk and Abulk to help you bulk up quickly, and a Cutting Stack which combines CCut and Sbulk to help you burn fat and get ripped.

How do Brutal Force products work?

Brutal Force supplements work by increasing muscle protein synthesis and helping your muscles recover faster from workouts. They also help to increase your strength, power, and muscle mass.

Each supplement contains a carefully curated blend of natural ingredients that work together to give you the best results possible.

None of these will negatively affect your HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis) like steroids will, so you won't have to worry about any of the nasty side effects that come with steroid use.

Brutal Force Pricing

Brutal Force Supplements are all priced at $59.99 for a 30-day supply. They also offer stacks which are priced at $179.99 for a 30-day supply.

Click here to Visit Brutal Force Official Website for the Best Price

The Bottom Line - Is Brutal Force better than Vintage Muscle?

Yes, Brutal Force is definitely better than Vintage Muscle.

Vintage Muscle falls short of meeting the tall claims it makes about amplifying male bodybuilding performance, boosting lean mass, and increasing energy. On the other hand, Brutal Force is a safe and effective alternative to steroids that can help you bulk up quickly without any of the nasty side effects.


Do not risk your health with prohormones and designer anabolic steroids, no matter how fancy the bottle looks. Use legal and safe options like CrazyBulk and BrutalForce instead.

You will get the same results eventually. Good luck.

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