Insurance Tech Pioneer and philanthropist are two words that aptly describe Andrew Jernigan. The CEO and Founder of Insured Nomads shares how philanthropy plays a major role in the fiber of his company and his life. Empowering others by means of charitable giving and dedication to a positive cause are among the legacy that he wishes to leave for others to remember.
The Role of Philanthropy at Insured Nomads
When asked about the role of philanthropy in his life and his company, Andrew relates, “the years that I served working with charitable organizations, often in developing nations, were significant in the work of Insured Nomads since access to care was and still is so limited in these places.” His experiences in parts of West Africa have helped him to understand that each of us must learn and reprogram our minds to understand that people come first. “Prejudice and racism must be replaced with love and respect.”
Andrew has spent years traveling for the purpose of charitable work and his intention to thread charity into the seams of Insured Nomads would come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with his family and background. Living through a cholera outbreak in the villages of Lake Bosomtwe, and providing healthcare to those who could not afford it or make the journey to hospitals in Ghana are just a few of the ways he has traveled for philanthropic reasons. It was then only suitable that this part of his experience also forms a major part of his company. “Immediately, from before we sold our first plans in 2019, we had committed to give 1% to our partner, Not for Sale. They are a transparent, award-winning global charity combatting human trafficking and caring for those affected by it. We are a part of Pledge 1% and a signatory of the UN Global Compact. We actively participated with Civic Alliance to promote voting in the USA.”
The Legacy of Andrew Jernigan and Insured Nomads
“I want to be known as one who empowered people to live their fullest, activate their gifts, and surpass their limitations.” Andrew believes that insurance for the international lifestyle needs a continuous innovation force to break through the barriers of complacency that seem to have permeated some of the industry. He aims to change this on a large scale.
His legacy of philanthropy and charitable service will continue as he believes humans are not for sale. Fittingly, as a travel expert who knows the dangers also associated with traveling, he continues to champion the cause of human trafficking. “We are not for sale. Impacting governments, business, and individuals to care for the plight of commercialization of people and combat human trafficking is high priority for me. It comes in many forms, so the methods it must be fought, will be diverse.”
The efforts extended by Andrew Jernigan and his team to present themselves as a model corporate citizen are beyond words and are backed by action. It is rare to find companies that devote profits to philanthropy even in the earliest stages of business. This is an indication of the legacy that he is proud to leave behind.