Justin Colby Shares What It Takes to Flip A House In 2021

 (photo credit: JUSTIN COLBY)
(photo credit: JUSTIN COLBY)

Not only in real estate but with business in general, sometimes it takes a lot of effort and perseverance to excel. Everyone begins their journey with big dreams and hopes of success. They have to have the dream and determination to achieve it. This applies very much to flipping houses. That is why it is crucial for aspiring investors to have the qualities and hard work it takes to attain success.

Justin Colby, a renowned real estate investor/coach, and host of the podcast of The Science of Flipping is a testament to what happens when one acts on their dreams with determination. The right mindset in approaching his venture got him to where he is at the moment. He has flipped more than 1,700 homes worth over $100 million and has decided to share his knowledge to help those who need his guidance.
Qualities Needed to Flip A House

As long as one navigates through their journey with a clear objective in mind, they can reach their destination. That’s because a goal-oriented person always aims to make progress towards their goals and equip themselves with the attributes that keep them looking straight ahead and push them to move forward. According to Justin Colby’s experience, here are the traits that real estate investors need to be successful in flipping houses.


When he began his journey, Justin Colby didn’t have much money. However, instead of letting that limitation hinder his potential, he used it to keep himself motivated.

The answer to how he went from nothing to a millionaire was his persistence. Every single day for a total of nine months, he called a hundred real estate agents. He did so to introduce himself and present his strength, but about 90% of his calls were usually rejected. Out of the remaining ones, only at least two actually listened to what he had to say. If he gave up back then, it goes without saying that he wouldn’t be where he is now.


While investors must know how to depend on themselves, asking for help is still necessary at times. To attain success, one must know how to utilize their resources and connections. Facebook groups like Justin Colby’s The Science of Flipping and websites like meetup.com can help real estate investors to engage with their fellows and contact them if they are willing to collaborate on a project.

Willingness to Learn

Justin Colby didn’t become a successful real estate investor on his own. He asked for help with investment from his connections and hired a professional coach, who wisely guided him to make the best decisions for his venture. The willingness to constantly improve is a crucial quality for real estate investors, and that’s why he decided to mentor aspirants through his coaching program.

It’s not all about what one initially owns, it is about what they gain along the way and bring to the end. Real estate investors who are unrelentingly exerting effort to make it big know how to make use of their connections. They are also always looking for an opportunity to become better in order to guarantee success in flipping houses. Justin Colby, who has been through the same journey, can attest that the journey is not easy. However, as long as one has what it takes, it is certainly attainable. Justin Colby is active on Facebook and Instagram where he connects with like-minded people and engages with his audience.