Vadim Mashurov is one of the most successful businessmen in Ukraine. This young man just starts his way with his first big project, but he has so many plans to realize.
Vadim got his first job when he was barely 14 and now he has quite big experience that helps him in his work projects. He claimed that from a young age he had a penchant for work, while his peers at that age were busy playing. Along with a tough work ethic, he realized that he did not want to be distracted by trifles, but rather to focus on the long game.
However, Mashurov's way wasn’t easy. Vadim was born in Kyiv, where he grew up, studied and, eventually, realized that the IT sphere is where he wanted to be. He started learning to code with Delfy at the age of 11 and the other programming languages were no exception. Vadim got his first job as a developer of video games. At first the main problem was a lack of knowledge regarding communication with partners and soft skills. The solution to the problem was on the surface. It was quite important to find english-speaking mentors, who might have helped to find the leading trends on Facebook. After a long period in game developing, Vadim realized that he always wanted to manage and coordinate projects, so he made up his mind to start his own business.
After several unsuccessful projects, mistakes and failures, Vadim and his team developed their fist prosperous product - Instime, which is in high demand. Such an Instagram tool allows people to analyze accounts and monetize their activities. But what has helped Vadim to reach such a level? He considers international entrepreneurial experience to be an important achievement in his career. “I have understanding the mentality of many countries that plays an integral part in my work” - Vadim. This experience helped him to expand his startup to 100 countries around the world and get recognition and awards.
Even now looking back, he accepts that he made conclusions about his last business-decisions. For example, in a talk about his past investments he said that he was quite negligent, but after he gained some experience, such activity has become more serious. At first it was more intuitive choices, afterwards according to him, he started to prepare for it as for a serious work.
Currently, Vadim and his associates are planning to launch new products and present them to the society. Mashurov is proud that now can test any niche with the available money and helps so many people to improve their lives. He appreciates employees, his team and partners.
Although Vadim is highly famous and successful in the social media market, he does not feel comfortable there, so he seeks the opportunity of returning to the financial market in the near future.
Also in our small-talk we asked him to give an advice for other aspiring entrepreneurs. Vadim said that his life was influenced by thought to be open to something new. “Each word in this world has its own balance. You just have to perceive it right.” - Mashurov says.
We are sure that the world will hear this name. Now everyone can follow his life on social medias that Vadim actively promotes. He has an official instagram page with a huge audience. Here you can check it.
Besides successful business-life he is also an influencer which shares his thoughts and lifestyle on his page. There are so many countries and luxurious things that can inspire you to try something new and gives you ideas to develop your projects.
This article was written in cooperation with Vadim Mashurov