Your credit score is one of the most important numbers in your life. Lenders use it to determine whether to let you buy a house, rent an apartment, buy a car, or get a new credit card. Unfortunately, about 30% of people in the US have subprime credit scores lower than 601, and it can be hard to get out of this rut. Alex Miller is a credit repair specialist, and he loves to share his insight on how to get your credit score, and life, back on track.
Alex is the founder and CEO of Alex Miller Credit Repair, located in Houston but serving clients virtually across the United States. “Credit repair involves finding ways to increase your credit score,” Miller said. “This often manifests as removing undesirable accounts from your report, as well as dealing with false information or identity theft.” He uses the 3 Round Burst Method, which can improve your credit by 150-300 points in 90 days or less. When he’s working to repair a client’s credit score, he aims to leave them only with positive accounts that really improve how lenders see them. “It’s important because it can make the difference between starting the business you’ve always dreamed of and being denied for a loan. If you can’t repair your credit you could be stuck renting subpar apartments your whole life instead of getting a mortgage, even if you can’t afford it.” Credit repair is vital in securing the financial life you’ve always dreamed of and escaping your past debts and mistakes.
Alex Miller has many stories about how his services have helped people. “I worked with a gentleman who was a truck driver. He had to live in his car because he’d lost everything else—his house, his job, and even his family. We developed a payment plan for him so we could fix his credit score and get him back on his feet. He recently sent me a photo of the five bedroom house he was able to afford now that his credit has healed.” Alex has hundreds of stories like this that fuel his work every day.
If you’re struggling in life because of a bad credit score, don’t wait any longer to take action and improve your life. By contracting out with a service like Alex Miller Credit Repair, you can see quick results that will transform your life.