This the first year that the IBA will simulcast games live on its website.
By GREER FAY CASHMANISRAEL'S PLAYERS begin to realize their World Cup (photo credit: Photo: Asaf Kliger)
All the hostilities and disagreements which have plagued the Israel Broadcasting Authority have been put on the back burner for the World Cup, during which soccer enthusiasts will be glued to their television sets and radios.Israel Radio reported on Tuesday that there had been a 50 per cent increase in the sale of 45 inch to 55 inch television screens as fans prepare to settle in for the duration.This will be the first year in which the IBA will be broadcasting the games live on its website at the same as it will be broadcasting on television and radio.Most games will be on Channel 1, although some will be shown on Channel 2 and others on Channel 33.Viewers, who can’t take time off from work and will therefore miss many of the live broadcasts, can catch up via VOD, and for those who want to see the games with absolute clarity, there will also be the option of HD broadband.FIFA has proved to be the IBA’s oxygen tank.Declining viewer ratings will go into reverse and soar dramatically as sports fanatics scream at on-screen soccer players who can’t hear them or agree or disagree with sportscasters Meir Einstein, Danny Neuman, Amit Horeski, Rami Weiss, Gili Shem Tov, and the latest addition Haim Revivo.There’s also Itai Vered, who has been in South Africa putting together nature documentaries, interviews about preparations for the games, travel pieces, et al, and he too will be making his contribution.Of course not everyone in Israel is keen on soccer, and for those who absolutely hate the game and are not stricken with soccer fever, this is the time to go on vacation to an island paradise, catch up with like minded friends, read the books you never got around to, spend time at the movies or putter in your garden.Just don’t try talking to your significant other, because nothing you can say can compete with soccer.