education ministry

Israel seeks after-school programs for autistic youth amid manpower shortage

The Education Ministry is considering alternative options, including after-hour programs, for autistic youth due to a shortage in special-ed staffers at daycare centers


For Arab schools in Israel, students struggle to master fundamental skills

Education affairs: ICEI and the Education Ministry’s Tamkin program looks to create equal opportunities.

Education Minister Kisch backs down, to award Israel Prize this year

"I chose to change the initial decision and award the Israel prizes in the various categories, alongside the prize in the Revival category," the education minister stated on Wednesday. 

High Court tells gov't to provide justifications to cancel Israel Prize

In a recent development in the controversy over this year's Israel Prize cancelation, the High Court issued a conditional order to Education Minister Kisch.

Educating the ultra-Orthodox: Release the shackles

Haredim need integration into Israeli society and the workforce through improved education in core subjects to combat poverty and social drain.


Cancelling Israel Prize categories was a tone-deaf decision

This year is unlike any before; the prizes should reflect that, reasoned Kisch last week. On the surface, this is a legitimate enough reasoning, but it is weak and senseless.

Israel's Education Ministry announces renewal of summer trips to Poland

The Ministry said that the decision was taken following a review of the contents and aims of the voyage along with its security needs.

 School of misplaced Gaza border children opens in Eilat

Displaced Gaza border children finally start the school year in Eilat

Beyond the Headlines: A weekly glimpse into the Israel you won’t read about in the news.

How can you be more attentive to your kid as school returns to normal?

Balancing the need for routine during times of war can be emotionally challenging, but it is crucial to acknowledge and address any underlying issues affecting children's well-being.

Schools reopen after third national coronavirus lockdown, Feb. 11, 2020

Special-needs children among evacuees are neglected, Knesset panels are told

The two chairmen called on the Education Ministry to use recently discharged IDF to work with children of evacuees and special-needs youngsters. 

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