IHRA definition of antisemitism

Kosovo adopts IHRA antisemitism definition

Israel's ambassador to Kosovo Tammy Ziv thanked the parliament for the decision.

Biden's plan to fight antisemitism reaches out honestly to all sides - opinion

The proof is in the pudding and Biden and his administration have set a course that seeks the honest participation of all Americans.

New US strategy to fight antisemitism ‘historic,’ says ADL chief

Although the plan isn't perfect, it presents a blueprint largely shaped by the ADL, according to Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the ADL.

Embracing IHRA antisemitism definition is important - Sharansky to Biden

The White House antisemitism plan said that it acknowledges IHRA as the main definition of antisemitism but also acknowledged the existence of other definitions.


Jewish organizations critique Biden's antisemitism strategy

A number of organizations have said they are worried about the definition of antisemitism as portrayed in the 60-page national strategy plan.


Why did the White House have antisemitic org in its antisemitism plan? - analysis

CAIR is a self-declared Muslim civil rights and advocacy group headquartered in Washington that has been accused of being antisemitic and supporting Hamas.


Israel supports Biden admin's new strategy against antisemitism

Biden called the plan "the most ambitious and comprehensive" government initiative in combatting antisemitism.


Biden administration unveils strategy to counter antisemitism

The unprecedented National Strategy to Combat Antisemitism, announced Thursday afternoon, has sparked debate among Jewish organizations.


A manufactured ‘mainstream’ wants the White House to define antisemitism on flawed terms - opinion

"When it comes to confronting antisemitism, some of today’s Jewish leaders might imagine that American Jews can achieve unity that has long eluded them or Jewish institutional life."

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