A line of about 20 protesters sat in the street under a steady rain while others behind them held up a banner saying "Don't celebrate genocide" and "Arms embargo now!"
You can stand for your principles without diminishing others. Some can disagree with you. If they choose to get insulted by your commitment to Israel, that’s on them, not you.
The Jewish practice of counting our blessings encourages us to recognize and appreciate the sustenance in our lives. This regular acknowledgment can foster a lasting sense of gratitude.
For those of us who celebrate Thanksgiving, the following recipes make perfect additions to a festive meal, bringing a touch of warmth and a burst of flavor to the table.
According to the FBI, Harun Abdul-Malik Yener from Florida was charged with an attempt to use an explosive device to damage or destroy a building used in interstate commerce.
More than 2 million people are reportedly expected to watch the parade of 10,000 participants.
For lone soldiers and lone B’not/B’nei Sherut, Thanksgiving holds special significance. While they may find themselves far from their homes and families, they are not alone.
Readers of The Jerusalem Post have their say.
As I reflect on how far we’ve come, and how different the state of our people is today compared to back then, I cannot help but give thanks.
New York Mayor Eric Adams, when asked about protests that may unfold during the parade, told reporters the city respected free-speech rights but would not tolerate any disruption.