Israel Politics

Israeli politics are complicated and volatile so it is important to have a news source that properly captures the important politicians and political events in an organzied manner. Jerusalem Post readers will appreciate the Israeli politics section for it's unbias and zero spin approach to reporting on Israel's democratic process to avoid confusion.

Gantz set to leave government Saturday as ultimatum deadline approaches

Gantz said on May 18 that his party would leave if Netanyahu did not adopt six objectives.

  L-R: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Minister Benny Gantz

'Netanyahu leaves us no choice': National Unity considering leaving government

Following Minister Gadi Eizenkot's fiery speech, MK Matan Kahana stated that his party, 'Lacks influence in key government matters, staying is becoming unnecessary.'


Ben-Gvir demands attorney general probe Golan following calls for reservist disobedience

National Security Minister Ben-Gvir demanded an investigation against Labor Party Chairman Yair Golan for incitement, urging immediate action from Attorney General Baharav-Miara due to wartime severi

 Yair Lapid attends a protest calling for the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip

Israel should finalize Gaza hostage deal 'today,' Yair Lapid says

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to meet with far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to discuss the deal. 

A court hearing on the government's drafting of yeshiva students for the IDF, at the High Court

High Court concludes debate on haredi IDF conscription in high-stakes hearing

A poll published by Army Radio on Sunday, conducted by Manu Geva's Midgam Institute, found that 81% of haredim supported the view that haredim should not join the IDF at all.

Building Israel's next gov't with a hi-tech interview job model

Can a government of technocrats and experts run Israel? Let us apply a hi-tec job interview model for candidates to lead ministries.


Netanyahu urges Smotrich and Ben-Gvir 'not to be hasty' before they threaten to dissolve gov’t

Netanyahu consulted with Religious Zionist Party and Otzma Yehudit leaders before their responses to Biden's plan, with Smotrich and Ben-Gvir threatening government dissolution.

  L-R: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Minister Benny Gantz

Gantz's National Unity submits bill to dissolve Knesset, Netanyahu's Likud fires back

Likud responded to the bill accusing Benny Gantz and National Unity of fostering division in the country.

 (L-R): Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, MK Benny Gantz

Who is more suitable as Israel's PM: Netanyahu or Gantz?

A new Channel 12 poll sees Netanyahu's Likud narrow the gap with Gantz's National Unity Party, with more Israelis seeing the incumbent prime minister as more suitable for the PMO.


Right-wing Israeli news channel suggests leftists were less likely to survive Oct. 7

Channel 14 presented a disturbing graph in their program, which suggested that right-wingers were more likely to survive October 7.

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