
Greece is the European nation-state  that borders the Mediterranean Sea to its South, the Aegean Sea to the East, Turkey to the North-East, Ionian Sea to the West, and Albania, North Macedonia, and Bulgaria to the North. Greece is a mountainous region with a warm temperate climate, and hundreds of islands under its domain. 

Greece is a parliamentary republic with its capital in Athens, and is a member of the European Union. Approximately 11 million citizens live in Greece, the vast majority of which are Ethnically Greek though there are notable ethnic minority populations, including Roma, Turks, Slavs, and more. There are just over 6,000 Jews in the country. Most Greeks speak Modern Greek, but there are several local dialects that are distinct, and some linguistic minorities that include Turkish and Arabic. There are a handful of speakers of the Hebraic dialects such as Judeo-Italian and Ladino. The predominant religion in Greece is Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Ancient Greeks were pagans that worshipped a pantheon of gods that were featured in many literary works, and still are featured in global popular culture. There are only a handful of traditional Greek pantheists today.

The Hellenic Republic declared independence from the Ottoman empire in 1821 with the Greek war of independence. The Greek peninsula was under Ottoman rule since the mid-1400s, its Greek population under second-class citizen conditions.

Greece has a long history, reaching back into the classical period. Thucydides described the ancient Hellenes as a roaming band of seafarers and pirates. They did not describe themselves as Hellenic until much later, as seen in the Iliad in which they were described as Argives, Acheans, or Danaans. The ancient Greeks later established prominent city-states that served as fertile grounds for the development of unique political experiments and philosophies. These political systems philosophies have served as founding columns of Western civilization. The ancient Greeks faced pressure from outside powers such as the Persians, but were often engaged in internal conflicts, such as the Peloponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta, and their allies. A seafaring people, the Greeks engaged in colonization, first establishing sites that are not often thought of as being Greek in origin, such as Marseilles (Massalia), Istanbul (Byzantium), and Naples (Neopolis).

Greek cuisine traditionally heavily features olive oil, fish, sheep and goat, soft cheeses and herbal and root flavorings. Common street foods include gyros and spanakopita. Greece exports many staple agricultural products such as olives, cotton, pistachios, figs, and almonds. Maritime shipping is a significant industry in Greece, given its geographic location. Tourism is also a large industry, since Greece has a wealth of historical sites, beaches and a welcoming climate.

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Greek court dismisses charges against Egyptians in deadly shipwreck case

Nine Egyptians had been charged with being part of the crew of the Adriana, a trawler carrying an estimated 700 migrants from Libya to Italy, which sunk and left only 104 survivors.


This lesser-known Greek island should be top of your list this summer

Spend a few days exploring the beaches of Samos, Greece.


Lacking warmth, Turkey and Greece meet as show for the West

Both countries are expected to increase trade and energy cooperation, among others, but historical disputes will still stand in the way of friendship.


Hamas plans to set up secret base in Turkey, secret documents reveal

Erdogan insists that Hamas has not been carrying out terrorist operations from Turkey despite meetings with Hamas leaders and allowing the Palestinian group to maintain offices in Istanbul.

Erdogan: more than 1,000 Hamas members being treated in Turkish hospitals

A Turkish official later said Erdogan had "misspoke" and meant that Gazans more generally were being treated in Turkey.


Clashes break out in pro-Palestinian rally in Greece

More than 300 people carrying Palestinian flags and banners reading "Hands off Rafah!" rallied outside the parliament building in the Greek capital.


Lesbos: Unveiling a hidden Greek gem

Lesbos is a mountainous and fertile island with hundreds of acres of agricultural fields, including olive groves and vineyards.


Temple Mount earth-filtering project discovers ancient clay tokens

Tokens found in Temple Mount Sifting Project excavations may have been used by ancient pilgrims.

Archaeologists discover lost 1,800-year-old head of ancient Greek god Apollo

The head was believed to have been repurposed during the medieval period as a fountain.

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