Israel News

Israel news features every important moment from the Jewish State involving politics, celebrities, and innovation. This is the hard hitting, fast paced news that represents the Jewish nation in an un bias frame so that truth about Israel is represented in the media. There is no other substitute for the best Israel news on the web...

 STRONG, DIVERSE, intelligent, vocal, and accomplished women are important to our country

‘The Quad’: A different type of current affairs show

'The Quad' brings women’s voices to the forefront of discourse about Israel, where women with differing views engage in vibrant debates on critical issues.

Staff at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem wave at the IAF flyover on Independence Day.

World leaders congratulate Israel's 76th Independence Day in the shadow of Gaza war

"As the first country to recognize Israel as an independent state in 1948, our bonds are underpinned by shared democratic values, common interests, and cultural affinities," Biden said.

Netanyahu shuns traditional Independence Day events; Opposition: goal was to avoid demonstrations

A person reportedly shouted "garbage" and "bring back the hostage" at Netanyahu as he was exiting one of the Remembrance Day ceremonies.

Movie by Israeli director Tom Nesher to be shown at Tribeca Festival

The movie stars newcomers Lia Elalouf and Daria Rosen in the lead roles, and the rest of the cast includes Ido Tako, Yaakov Zada-Daniel, and Neta Garty.

A brief history of Zionism, 1860-1949

A brief rundown of major historical events in the history of Zionism.

Independence Day: Prominent Israeli voices share 76 words on the holiday this year

We asked leaders, experts, writers, and editors to share their thoughts on marking the milestone this year.

President Herzog to 'Post': Hamas started this war, we will never give up

Herzog joined The Jerusalem Post for this special interview to bring both levity and understanding to a holiday that, now most of all, is complicated and difficult to celebrate.

 Tel Aviv citizens waiting to have their passport photos taken, January 23, 1949

Before biometrics: Israel's earliest passports and travel documents

The first Israeli passport issued was in the name of Golda Meir, who at the time worked for the Jewish Agency and was soon to become Israel’s ambassador to the Soviet Union.


Looking at a split screen on Independence Day

Every day in Israel is Independence and Remembrance Day, and we can never forget the sacrifices made by so many to establish the country and bring it to the great heights it achieved.

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